Category:Photographs taken on 2005-06-24
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Photographs taken on June 24, 2005.
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Media in category "Photographs taken on 2005-06-24"
The following 125 files are in this category, out of 125 total.
- panoramio (2354).jpg 2,304 × 1,536; 1.72 MB
062909-B-AZV71-014.jpg 482 × 474; 27 KB
A shallower bit (323807900).jpg 1,282 × 1,603; 818 KB
Azaila - Barrio comercial.JPG 1,024 × 768; 215 KB
Azaila - Tumba íbera.JPG 1,024 × 768; 224 KB
Azaila - Vista de la acrópolis.JPG 1,024 × 768; 223 KB
Barefoot is best (323807381).jpg 1,330 × 1,796; 962 KB
Barranquilla, el mar desde las Bocas de Cenizas-20050625.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 476 KB
BeckCastle.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 2.38 MB
Brooklyn bridge cars east.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 832 KB
Caldera.JPG 1,024 × 768; 160 KB
Chiesa del sangue versato.JPG 1,728 × 1,900; 533 KB
- News Photo 050624-F-2295B-004.jpg 3,274 × 2,316; 1.6 MB
- News Photo 050624-M-1837P-007.jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 1.44 MB
- News Photo 050624-N-1397H-054.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 1.22 MB
- News Photo 050624-N-5526M-002.jpg 2,100 × 1,500; 862 KB
Diptera 03gg.jpg 800 × 600; 110 KB
DSCF1079.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 1.38 MB
Ebay live keynote - Flickr - pmo.jpg 640 × 480; 42 KB
Frankfurt-hahn-terminal.jpg 800 × 600; 264 KB
Fredrik2.JPG 3,000 × 2,000; 2.95 MB
Giverny-road.JPG 1,355 × 900; 214 KB
Godalming Parish Church.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 1.33 MB
Godalming Parish ChurchLight.JPG 450 × 600; 43 KB
Graffiti - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 872 KB
Haldarsvik kirke pa faeroerne.jpg 640 × 426; 47 KB
HTMS Taksin (FFG 422).jpeg 460 × 310; 87 KB
Kalische.jpg 904 × 679; 311 KB
Kanal pa faeroyene.jpg 640 × 426; 69 KB
Korail8241.jpg 640 × 480; 217 KB
Maglev in Pudong station.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 1.39 MB
Maple leaves - Flickr - Muffet.jpg 1,500 × 1,125; 980 KB
Metropolitain of Saint Petersburg.JPG 2,304 × 1,728; 930 KB
Mittsommernacht-in-helsinki.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 1.07 MB
Neckarsulm 1907 512HP 1.jpg 640 × 480; 58 KB
Niesen4.jpg 377 × 567; 276 KB
Path to Santiago de Compostela.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 520 KB
Path to Way of St. James.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 624 KB
Puerto Caldera Punta Padrones.JPG 1,024 × 768; 188 KB
Rospo tipico parco castelli romani - panoramio.jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 3.12 MB
Rueda - Claustro - Capiteles.jpg 1,024 × 768; 210 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Lavatorio con sala de calefacción al fondo.jpg 768 × 1,024; 225 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Lavatorio.jpg 768 × 1,024; 226 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Pechina 01.jpg 1,024 × 768; 212 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Pechina 02.jpg 768 × 1,024; 232 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Pintura mural.jpg 1,024 × 768; 212 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Torre 01.jpg 768 × 1,024; 206 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Torre.jpg 768 × 1,024; 224 KB
Rueda - Claustro - Vista general.jpg 1,024 × 768; 212 KB
Rueda - Detalle de entrada principal.jpg 1,024 × 768; 216 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Capilla.jpg 1,024 × 768; 224 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Cúpula de capilla.jpg 1,024 × 768; 217 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Escultura.jpg 768 × 1,024; 219 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Techo de sacristía - Detalle.jpg 1,024 × 768; 218 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Torre mudéjar.jpg 768 × 1,024; 200 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Ventanal 02.jpg 1,024 × 768; 217 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Ventanal 03.jpg 768 × 1,024; 197 KB
Rueda - Iglesia - Ventanal.jpg 1,024 × 768; 212 KB
Rueda - Plaza de San Pedro - Detalle de entrada al claustro.jpg 768 × 1,024; 217 KB
Rueda - Plaza de San Pedro - Entrada al claustro.jpg 768 × 1,024; 206 KB
Rueda - Plaza de San Pedro - Hospederia y claustro desde fuera.jpg 1,024 × 768; 225 KB
Rueda - Plaza de San Pedro - Hospederia.jpg 1,024 × 768; 212 KB
Rueda - Plaza de San Pedro - Pozo.jpg 1,024 × 768; 225 KB
Rueda - Plaza de San Pedro - Salida principal.jpg 768 × 1,024; 187 KB
Rueda - Plaza de San Pedro - Vista desde claustro.jpg 1,024 × 768; 219 KB
Rueda - Refectorio - Pechina del púlpito.jpg 1,024 × 768; 216 KB
San pietroburgo Prospettiva nevsky.jpg 1,728 × 2,304; 682 KB
Scooter 3349 - Flickr - doviende.jpg 2,001 × 3,008; 969 KB
Seoul-Citizen reporters.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 2.06 MB
Sonic Youth (1) @ RDTSE 2005 - Flickr - Môsieur J. (version 9.1).jpg 958 × 1,280; 358 KB
St. Alban 4.jpg 600 × 800; 114 KB
St. Alban.jpg 600 × 800; 75 KB
Torbay.jpg 800 × 600; 105 KB
Trondheim Strassenbahn.jpg 4,048 × 3,040; 653 KB
Twente Eschbeek.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 2.29 MB
Universiteit Twente Boerderij bij Horstlanden.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 2.66 MB
USCG Maritime Museum Exhibits (e527c523-020c-4ef0-b648-c9955ed50be4).JPG 1,728 × 1,152; 336 KB
USMC-02859.jpg 3,008 × 1,960; 1.07 MB
USMC-02899.jpg 2,240 × 1,488; 924 KB
USMC-02908.jpg 1,488 × 2,240; 836 KB
USMC-02926.jpg 1,200 × 798; 1.03 MB
USMC-02945.jpg 2,240 × 1,488; 824 KB
USMC-03045.jpg 3,008 × 1,960; 868 KB
USMC-03065.jpg 3,504 × 2,336; 2.43 MB
USMC-03071.jpg 3,504 × 2,336; 2.77 MB
USMC-03117.jpg 2,000 × 1,312; 204 KB
USMC-03150.jpg 2,000 × 1,312; 281 KB
USMC-03156.jpg 1,312 × 2,000; 258 KB
USMC-050624-M-7846V-001.jpg 1,000 × 1,500; 228 KB
USMC-050624-M-7846V-002.jpg 1,000 × 1,500; 318 KB
USMC-050624-M-7846V-003.jpg 1,500 × 1,000; 323 KB
USMC-050624-M-7846V-004.jpg 1,500 × 1,000; 259 KB
USMC-050624-M-7846V-005.jpg 1,500 × 1,000; 331 KB
USMC-20525.jpg 1,415 × 1,800; 1.69 MB
Valeriana celtica.jpg 1,690 × 1,453; 291 KB
Via Podiensis, Aubrac, cows.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.09 MB
View of the Mediterranean and the highway in Calahonda 2005 2.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 680 KB
Vilnius Ostrobramska.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.87 MB
Vrango.JPG 1,024 × 680; 509 KB
Well hello there kitty - Flickr - Yabby.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 2.41 MB
Wheat field rows - Flickr - RaeAllen.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.7 MB