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Category:Permutation groups

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<nowiki>grupo de permutaciones; Groupe de permutations; ordezpen-talde; grup de permutacions; Permutationsgruppe; Nhóm hoán vị; grup permutasi; 置换群; Permutationsgruppe; grup de permutări; تبدل کامل گروہ; grupo de permutação; 置換群; Permutationsgrupp; Grupa permutacji; زمرة تبديلات; Permutatiegroep; permutation group; Permutaatioryhmä; grupo de permutação; 순열군; grupo de permutacións; permuta grupo; grupa permutací; வரிசைமாற்றுக் குலம்; estructura algebraica cuya operación es la composición de las reordenaciones de las componentes de las tuplas formadas por los elementos.de un conjunto dado; Sous-groupe du groupe symétrique; group whose operation is composition of permutations; estrutura alxébrica cuxa operación é a composición das reordenacións dos compoñentes das tuplas formadas polos elementos dun conxunto dado; Elementu-kopuru finitu baten permutazioen multzoak eta permutazioen arteko konposizioak osatutako taldea. Taldearen eragiketa permutazioen arteko konposizioa da, eta eragiketaren emaitza jatorrizko elementu-kopuruaren permutazio bat da.; struktura algebraiczna, zwykle definiowana jako skończona; suatu grup dengan unsur-unsurnya adalah permutasi dari suatu himpunan M dan operasi grupnya adalah komposisi dari permutasi; ordezkatze-talde; permutazio-talde; permutační grupa; 치환군</nowiki>
permutation group 
group whose operation is composition of permutations
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In mathematics, a permutation group is a group G whose elements are permutations of a given set M and whose group operation is the composition of permutations in G (which are thought of as bijective functions from the set M to itself). The group of all permutations of a set M is the symmetric group of M, often written as Sym(M).[1] The term permutation group thus means a subgroup of the symmetric group. If M = {1,2,...,n} then, Sym(M), the symmetric group on n letters is usually denoted by Sn.


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Media in category "Permutation groups"

The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.