Category:People of Buffalo, New York
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- 26–50
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- 51–75
- Anaheim
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- Corpus Christi
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- Honolulu
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- Lexington
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- New Orleans
- Orlando
- Pittsburgh
- Plano
- Riverside
- Saint Paul
- Santa Ana
- St. Louis
- Stockton
- Tampa
- 76–100
- Baton Rouge
- Boise
- Buffalo
- Chandler
- Chesapeake
- Chula Vista
- Fort Wayne
- Fremont
- Garland
- Gilbert
- Glendale
- Irving
- Laredo
- Lubbock
- Madison
- Norfolk
- North Las Vegas
- Reno
- Richmond
- Santa Clarita
- Scottsdale
- St. Petersburg
- Spokane
- Toledo
- Winston-Salem
- Cities in New York State
- ‒ Capital District
- Albany
- Glens Falls
- Hudson
- Rensselaer
- Saratoga Springs
- Schenectady
- Troy
- ‒ Central New York
- Auburn
- Cortland
- Ithaca
- Oswego
- Syracuse
- ‒ New York City and Long Island
- Glen Cove
- Long Beach
- New York City
- ‒ Finger Lakes
- Canandaigua
- Geneva
- Rochester
- ‒ Hudson Valley
- Beacon
- Kingston
- Middletown
- Mount Vernon
- New Rochelle
- Peekskill
- Poughkeepsie
- Rye
- White Plains
- Yonkers
- ‒ Mohawk Valley
- Amsterdam
- Little Falls
- Rome
- Utica
- ‒ North Country
- Plattsburgh
- Watertown
- ‒ Southern Tier
- Binghamton
- Corning
- Elmira
- Hornell
- ‒ Western New York
- Buffalo
- Jamestown
- Lockport
- Niagara Falls
- Olean
This category is about people related to Buffalo, New York
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This category has the following 111 subcategories, out of 111 total.
- Men of Buffalo (1902) (13 F)
- Cory Arcangel (4 F)
- John Arcudi (3 F)
- Julia Barr (1 F)
- Norman Arthur Bate (2 F)
- Brett Bennett (2 F)
- Kevin Bennett (1 F)
- Edward Nathaniel Brush (2 F)
- Winston Burdett (4 F)
- Willis Carrier (1 P, 3 F)
- Julia Cheiffetz (1 F)
- Maria Cino (1 F)
- Cordy Milne (2 F)
- Carl Ferdinand Cori (9 F)
- Danelle Barrett (1 F)
- Danny DiLiberto (2 F)
- Murray S. Day (1 F)
- William H. Fitzpatrick (5 F)
- Thomas W. Flynn (author) (6 F)
- Daniel Garcia (11 F)
- Leon H. Gavin (2 F)
- Anthony H. Gioia (2 F)
- Alice Russell Glenny (5 F)
- Beverly Ann Grimm, May 1943 (13 F)
- Blake Haubeil (2 F)
- Mick Hayes (3 F)
- John R. Hazel (4 F)
- Jonah Heim (91 F)
- Paul H. Helms (2 F)
- Babe Herman (7 F)
- John Wetmore Hinsdale (6 F)
- Katharine Pratt Horton (5 F)
- William Stone Hubbell (3 F)
- James Van Inwagen (3 F)
- John Chase Lord (13 F)
- Hal Johnson (27 F)
- Amy Jones (artist) (1 F)
- Rocky Kansas (3 F)
- John Kessel (2 F)
- Paul King (artist) (1 P, 5 F)
- Henry D. Kirkover (2 F)
- Gordon Klingenschmitt (5 F)
- Mary Anne Krupsak (2 F)
- Ryan Mahon (2 F)
- Diana Mangano (2 F)
- Matthew D. Mann (6 F)
- Brian McKnight (30 F)
- James M. Mead (14 F)
- Michael Dodman (20 F)
- John Harrison Mills (5 F)
- Maureen Murphy (ice hockey) (18 F)
- Abel Nichols (2 F)
- Jeremy O'Day (5 F)
- Brooks Orpik (78 F)
- Adam Donaldson Powell (2 F)
- Eyal Press (2 F)
- Mary Ramsey (1 F)
- Mary Sophia Hyde Rice (6 F)
- Harold C. Roberts (3 F)
- Frank Romanelli (1 F)
- William D. Sample (2 F)
- John R. Schott (6 F)
- Ellsworth Milton Statler (5 F)
- Cola D. R. Stowits (3 F)
- Tom Toles (1 F)
- A.J. Verel (10 F)
- Carla Vernón (5 F)
- James Jeremiah Wadsworth (4 F)
- William E. Werner (1 F)
- Charles Barker Wheeler (4 F)
- Deacon White (21 F)
- Will White (2 F)
- Samuel Wilkeson Jr. (6 F)
- Al H. Wilson (11 F)
- Craig Wolfley (1 F)
Media in category "People of Buffalo, New York"
The following 99 files are in this category, out of 99 total.
A boy holding a bunch of balloons, Italian quarter in Buffalo, New York (I0001104).tif 1,120 × 1,428; 4.58 MB
A doll vendor, Italian quarter of Buffalo, New York (I0001103).tif 1,444 × 1,120; 4.63 MB
Alfred Washburn Benson.jpg 157 × 225; 26 KB
Benjamin Rathbun.jpg 1,111 × 1,212; 452 KB
Beverly Ann Grimm, eleven, doing the family shopping.8d29095v.jpg 990 × 1,024; 368 KB
Beverly Ann Grimm, eleven, leaving the store 8d29094v.jpg 1,000 × 1,024; 343 KB
Dick Biondi WCFL 1967edited.jpg 424 × 581; 71 KB
Britain Holmes, 1884 from HP Smith copy.jpg 692 × 1,059; 63 KB
Buffalo crime family Chart 1963.gif 1,400 × 2,162; 141 KB
Buffalo Germans.jpg 450 × 343; 63 KB
Buffalo medical journal (1900) (14589930170).jpg 3,350 × 2,160; 639 KB
Captain George H Clarke.png 243 × 389; 101 KB
Caroline Fillmore (Wife of President Millard Fillmore).jpg 492 × 550; 58 KB
CH West Hertel.jpg 600 × 369; 124 KB
Conehead Vendor (cropped).jpg 1,000 × 1,000; 397 KB
Conehead Vendor.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.87 MB
COVID vaccinations at Delavan-Grider Community Center, Buffalo, New York - 20210326.jpg 3,934 × 2,950; 2.91 MB
D'Youville College students in dormitory, Buffalo, New York, 1968.png 757 × 753; 552 KB
Daniel J Kenefick - Buffalo War Council.jpg 1,196 × 1,778; 393 KB
Dave Sappelt 2011.jpg 1,035 × 1,380; 182 KB
Dave Sappelt on June 27, 2013.jpg 960 × 1,440; 1.12 MB
Dean headshot.ashx.jpg 241 × 360; 85 KB
Demone Harris (Image 16 of 60) (cropped).jpg 1,003 × 1,199; 1 MB
DeWitt G. Wilcox, M.D., Buffalo, NY.jpg 1,910 × 3,087; 1.67 MB
Dinner given for Conger Goodyear - Goodyear House.jpg 871 × 704; 124 KB
Mabel Dodge Luhan - Van Vechten.jpg 320 × 406; 18 KB
Downtown Buffalo Christmas Tree Lighting - 20221210 - 05 - Tony Colucci.jpg 3,674 × 2,204; 1.72 MB
Dr. Conrad E. Wettlaufer House and potato field, Buffalo, New York, 1917.jpg 1,876 × 1,271; 387 KB
Dr. F. H. Millener LCCN2014683644.jpg 4,159 × 5,822; 2.49 MB
Edith Houghton Hooker.png 263 × 393; 133 KB
Edward Holmes, 1884 from HP Smith copy.jpg 680 × 1,034; 58 KB
Elihu R. Spencer, actor.png 1,169 × 1,788; 1.31 MB
MatthiasEndres.jpg 239 × 290; 22 KB
John M. Farquhar.jpg 666 × 830; 200 KB
First graduating class of D'Youville College, Buffalo, New York, 1912.jpg 1,118 × 1,600; 263 KB
First Male Nurse at D'Youville College, Buffalo, New York, 1971.jpg 490 × 666; 44 KB
Florence Julia Bach, American painter and sculptor, 1891-1978 (3378173361).jpg 1,047 × 1,300; 94 KB
Florists' review (microform) (16057249514).jpg 1,424 × 1,972; 269 KB
Frank J. Gafney - WWI Medal of Honor recipient.jpg 364 × 672; 73 KB
GAYLORD, DR. HARVEY B. RADIUM EXPERT OF BUFFALO LCCN2016865164.jpg 7,610 × 10,277; 7.53 MB
GAYLORD, DR. HARVEY B. RADIUM EXPERT OF BUFFALO LCCN2016865164.tif 7,610 × 10,277; 149.19 MB
George Edward Fell doctor.png 1,264 × 1,382; 470 KB
George R. Bidwell (Collector of the Port of New York).jpg 387 × 490; 50 KB
George V. Forman.png 471 × 727; 409 KB
Groundbreaking of Pilot Field (now Sahlen Field), July 1986.jpg 1,788 × 1,329; 254 KB
Henry W. Brendel.jpg 404 × 549; 40 KB
Herbert Porter Bissell LCCN2014687477.jpg 4,191 × 5,759; 2.8 MB
Eric Herman 071808.jpg 432 × 324; 55 KB
Jacob F. Schoellkopf Jr. (retouched).jpg 416 × 544; 100 KB
James Platt White (1811–1881).png 519 × 616; 157 KB
Jim Ailinger.jpg 250 × 325; 18 KB
Joe Biden at Delavan-Grider Community Center, Buffalo, New York, May 2022.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 1.47 MB
JoeGolombek.jpg 1,026 × 1,359; 252 KB
John Ellement.png 121 × 223; 54 KB
John H. Meech, theatre manager.png 1,114 × 1,243; 2.04 MB
Leon F. Harvey portrait.jpg 1,417 × 2,023; 735 KB
Louis Le Couteulx de Caumont (1756-1840).jpg 315 × 384; 36 KB
LP-GeorgePhillies.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 351 KB
Marian de Forest.jpg 683 × 1,024; 62 KB
McKinley High School Students participating in SNAP! (6555932929).jpg 800 × 533; 560 KB
Menofbuffalocoll00chic 0407 (cropped).jpg 467 × 611; 38 KB
Menofbuffalocoll00chic 0407.jpg 1,048 × 1,591; 98 KB
Millard Fillmore at National Portrait Gallery IMG 4491.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 2.49 MB
Morris S. Tremaine (New York State Comptroller).jpg 348 × 491; 64 KB
Mrs. Charles Poletti.jpg 348 × 431; 85 KB
NicolasPicholas.jpg 2,336 × 3,024; 1.39 MB
One Buffalo Community Library Card Unveiling (30037625062).jpg 1,024 × 683; 100 KB
One Buffalo Community Library Card Unveiling (30067353181).jpg 1,024 × 683; 86 KB
Pano Georgiadis.jpg 1,197 × 1,402; 299 KB
PClemo Commencement 1.jpg 6,720 × 4,480; 15.78 MB
Phyllis Wheatley Club, Buffalo, New York LOC.jpg 504 × 400; 41 KB
President - Clemo.jpg 490 × 705; 374 KB
Schopp & Bulldog.JPG 303 × 242; 20 KB
Seymour Knox III, II, and IV.jpg 648 × 463; 44 KB
Simeon T. Josselyn (Medal of Honor recipient).jpg 307 × 417; 52 KB
Skitsnygg at Ruff Club in New York City.jpg 600 × 401; 30 KB
Stefan Spryszyński, Buffalo (-1920).jpg 1,247 × 1,737; 714 KB
Timothydbellavia.jpg 191 × 300; 6 KB
Tommy Murray, Portland Rosebuds.jpg 150 × 265; 21 KB
Two women and a boy) from the Buffalo, New York SAAM-1983.63.1573 1.jpg 1,526 × 2,000; 842 KB
USMC-080828-M-0007C-9375.jpg 3,000 × 1,886; 1.84 MB
We Choose Prevention! (8701595599).jpg 948 × 547; 350 KB
William Henry Donaldson.jpg 140 × 181; 5 KB
William Ives Buffalo Public Library (cropped).jpg 1,513 × 2,108; 158 KB
William Ives Buffalo Public Library.pdf 1,275 × 1,650; 123 KB