Category:Paul Auster
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American novelist, poet, essayist, screenwriter (1947-2024) | |||||
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Date of birth | 3 February 1947 Newark | ||||
Date of death | 30 April 2024 New York City | ||||
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Asturianu: Paul Auster ye un escritor y cineasta estaunidense, nacíu'l 3 de febreru de 1947 en Newark, Nueva Jersey. Ye autor de delles noveles de gran ésitu, y ún de los máximos exponentes de la narrativa contemporánea n'inglés. (→Paul Auster)
Български: Пол Остър (на английски Paul Auster) е американски съвременен писател. Роден на 3 февруари 1947 в Нюарк, Ню Джърси, САЩ. Автор на многобройни романи, сценарии, новели, поезия. Изявява се и като преводач и филмов режисьор. Отличава се с това, че творчеството му е посветено на Ню Йорк, където живее със съпругата си. (→Пол Остър)
Bosanski: Paul Auster, američki književnik, rođen 3. februara 1947. godine u Newarku, New Jersey. (→Paul Auster)
Català: Paul Auster ( Newark, Nova Jersey, EUA 1947 ) és un novel·lista, poeta, guionista i director de cinema nord-americà. (→Paul Auster)
Dansk: Paul Benjamin Auster (født 3. februar 1947 i Newark, New Jersey, USA) er en amerikansk forfatter. (→Paul Auster)
Deutsch: Paul Benjamin Auster (* 3. Februar 1947 in Newark, New Jersey) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Regisseur. (→Paul Auster)
Ελληνικά: Ο Πολ Μπέντζαμιν Όστερ (Paul Benamin Auster) είναι Αμερικανός συγγραφέας. Γεννήθηκε στις 3 Φεβρουαρίου το 1947 στο Νιούαρκ του Νιου Τζέρσεϊ. Είναι πιθανώς πιο γνωστός για τα τρία βιβλία του που αποτελούν την Τριλογία της Νέας Υόρκης. Είναι επίσης ποιητής, αρθρογράφος, έχει διατελέσσει μεταφραστής, σεναριογράφος και πιο πρόσφατα σκηνοθέτης. (→Πολ Όστερ)
English: Paul Benjamin Auster (born February 3, 1947, Newark, New Jersey) is a Brooklyn-based author known for works blending absurdism and crime fiction, such as The New York Trilogy (1987), Moon Palace (1989) and The Brooklyn Follies (2005). (→Paul Auster)
Español: Paul Auster es un escritor estadounidense nacido el 3 de febrero de 1947 en Newark, New Jersey. Parte de su obra está ambientada en la ciudad de Nueva York. En su juventud tradujo poesía francesa, y fue también poeta antes de orientarse hacia la novela. También ha trabajado para el cine. Suyos son los guiones de Smoke, Blue in the Face y Lulu on the Bridge. (→Paul Auster)
Euskara: Paul Benjamin Auster (Newark, New Jersey, 1947ko otsailaren 3-) eleberrigile estatubatuar ezaguna da, batez ere The New York Trilogy liburuengatik (City of Glass, Ghosts eta The Locked Room). Poesiak, itzulpenak, antzezlanak eta pelikulak ere egin izan ditu. (→Paul Auster)
فارسی: پل اُوستر نویسنده، فیلمنامهنویس و مترجم آمریکایی است. او متولد نیویورک است. شهرت او بیشتر به خاطر مجموعهٔ سهگانه نیویورک است. همچنین از فیلمنامههای او میتوان به لولو روی پل اشاره کرد. (→پل آستر)
Suomi: Paul Benjamin Auster (s. 3. helmikuuta 1947) on yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija ja elokuvantekijä. Auster syntyi New Jerseyn osavaltiossa. Nykyään hän asuu Brooklynissä New Yorkissa yhdessä norjalaissyntyisen vaimonsa Siri Hustvedtin kanssa, joka on myös kirjailija. (→Paul Auster)
Français : Paul Auster est un écrivain américain né le 3 février 1947 à Newark, New Jersey, aux États-Unis. Une partie de son œuvre évoque la ville de New York. D'abord traducteur de poètes français, il a écrit des poésies avant de se tourner vers le roman. Il a également travaillé pour le cinéma. Il réside maintenant à Brooklyn. (→Paul Auster)
Galego: Paul Auster é un escritor estadounidense nacido o 3 de febreiro de 1947 en Newark, New Jersey. Parte da súa obra está ambientada na cidade de Nova York. Na súa mocidade traduciu poesía francesa, e foi tamén poeta antes de orientarse cara á novela. Ten traballado tamén para o cine; seus son os guións de Smoke, Blue in the Face e Lulu on the Bridge. Mentres residía en Brooklyn obtivo o Premio Médicis en 1993 pola novela de Leviatán. (→Paul Auster)
Italiano: Nato da famiglia benestante di origini tedesche - il padre Samuel possiede alcuni palazzi, cresce nei sobborghi di Orange e Maplewood a Newark e durante l'adolescenza inizia a scrivere le prime poesie. (→Paul Auster)
한국어: 폴 벤저민 오스터(Paul Benjamin Auster, 1947년 2월 3일 - )는 미국 소설가이다. 뉴저지 주의 뉴어크에서 태어났다. 1970년 컬럼비아 대학교를 졸업한 후 프랑스로 이사하여 1974년 미국으로 돌아왔다. 이후 그는 시, 에세이, 소설과 스테판 말라르메, 조제프 주베르 등 프랑스 작가들의 번역을 출판하였다. (→폴 오스터)
Nederlands: Paul Benjamin Auster (* 3 februari 1947) is een Amerikaanse auteur. Hij is getrouwd met schrijfster Siri Hustvedt. (→Paul Auster)
Norsk bokmål: Paul Benjamin Auster (født 3. februar 1947) er en amerikansk forfatter. Han er bosatt i Brooklyn, New York. I Norge er han mest kjent for romaner som New York Trilogy (1987), Moon Palace (1989) og The Brooklyn Follies (2005), men han har også skrevet filmmanus, lyrikk, essays og sangtekster. Paul Auster blir som regel betraktet som en postmodernist. (→Paul Auster)
Polski: Paul Auster (ur. 3 lutego 1947 w Newark), amerykański pisarz, scenarzysta, eseista, tłumacz oraz reżyser filmowy. (→Paul Auster)
Português: Paul Benjamin Auster ( Newark, 3 de fevereiro de 1947) é um escritor norte-americano autor de vários best-sellers como Timbuktu, O Livro das Ilusões, A Noite do Oráculo e Música do Acaso. (→Paul Auster)
Română: Paul Auster -- (n. 3 februarie 1947, Newark, New Jersey, SUA) este un eseist, poet, prozator, scenarist şi traducător american, unul dintre reprezentanţii postmodernismului. (→Paul Auster)
Русский: Пол Бенджамин Остер (, 3 февраля 1947, США) — выдающий американский писатель, переводчик. (→Остер, Пол Бенджамин)
Slovenčina: Paul Benjamin Auster (* 3. február 1947, Newark, New Jersey) je americký spisovateľ, prekladateľ, básnik, editor, scenárista a filmový režisér. Pravdepodobne najznámejšia je jeho zbierka troch románov, nazývaná The New York Trilogy. (→Paul Auster)
Svenska: Paul Auster, född 3 februari 1947 i Newark, New Jersey, USA, amerikansk författare och manusförfattare. Slog igenom med New York-trilogin och senare med manuset till filmen Smoke (som följdes av Blue in the Face). Som poet är han mindre känd. (→Paul Auster)
Türkçe: Paul Auster ( 3 Şubat 1947, Newark, New Jersey) ABD'li roman yazarı, şair ve senarist. (→Paul Auster)
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Paul Auster"
The following 62 files are in this category, out of 62 total.
Amos Oz and Paul Auster.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 7.03 MB
Amos Oz, Paul Auster, Salman Rushdie and Shimon Peres by David Shankbone (2886059240).jpg 2,398 × 2,234; 4.11 MB
Amos Oz, Paul Auster, Salman Rushdie, Shimon Peres and Asaf Shariv (2885288345).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 6.44 MB
Autograph Auster (cropped).jpg 592 × 308; 81 KB
Autograph Auster.jpg 1,190 × 1,876; 417 KB
Edwidge Danticat and Paul Auster (8024218253).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 7.38 MB
Joumana Haddad and Paul Auster.JPG 587 × 873; 103 KB
Nily Oz, David Shankbone, Amos Oz, Paul Auster and Karen Gantz Zahler (2885282853).jpg 2,581 × 2,292; 5.48 MB
Paul Auster and Salman Rushdie by David Shankbone (2886105900).jpg 3,007 × 2,077; 5.02 MB
Paul Auster and Yaniv Halily by David Shankbone (2885250371).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 6.84 MB
Paul Auster BBF 2010 Shankbone small.jpg 1,503 × 2,004; 259 KB
Paul Auster BBF 2010 Shankbone.jpg 2,504 × 3,340; 4.17 MB
Paul Auster Brooklyn 2010 Shankbone.jpg 2,504 × 3,340; 4.72 MB
Paul Auster by David Shankbone (2886102614).jpg 1,089 × 1,813; 1.78 MB
Paul Auster en el Palacio Bosch (14062976402).jpg 596 × 794; 129 KB
Paul Auster in New York City 2008.jpg 1,089 × 1,813; 1.51 MB
Paul Auster John Ashbery BBF 2010 Shankbone.jpg 3,340 × 2,504; 4.65 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104415201).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 829 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104415371).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 840 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104415431).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 1.15 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104415811).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 9.05 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104416271).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 8.88 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104416961).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 10.22 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104417491).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 810 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104419906).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 9.25 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104466903).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 9.28 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104468148).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 825 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104468233).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 1,011 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104469638).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 8.97 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104470178).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 1.2 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104470623).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 9.35 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104529337).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 701 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104529902).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 818 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104530092).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 795 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104532107).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 9.08 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104532192).jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 675 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104533087).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 9.04 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2019 (48104534197).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 9.16 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104429691).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 1.74 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104429841).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 1.71 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104429896).jpg 5,425 × 3,617; 1.52 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104430121).jpg 5,175 × 3,450; 1.5 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104430241).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 1.55 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104430511).jpg 5,415 × 3,610; 1.63 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104481183).jpg 4,497 × 2,998; 1,002 KB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104481248).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 1.4 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104481473).jpg 5,236 × 3,491; 1.32 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104544277).jpg 5,250 × 3,500; 1.63 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104544857).jpg 5,238 × 3,492; 1.23 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104544902).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 1.55 MB
Paul Auster no Fronteiras do Pensamento São Paulo 2019 (48104545252).jpg 5,246 × 3,498; 1.69 MB
Paul Auster reads from Winter Journal with Edwidge Danticat (left) (8024212508).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 7.27 MB
Paul Auster Reception (cropped).jpg 668 × 1,000; 209 KB
Paul Auster Reception 066 (14066106405).jpg 1,076 × 1,435; 347 KB
Paul Auster Reception 074 (14066089005).jpg 873 × 1,164; 277 KB
Paul Auster Salman Rushdie and David Shankbone.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 6.36 MB
Paul Auster, Salman Rushdie and Amos Oz listening to Shimon Peres (2886100088).jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 5.76 MB
Paul Auster, Salman Rushdie and Shimon Peres.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 5.84 MB
Paul Auster-19-09-2007.jpg 200 × 300; 34 KB
Paul Auster.jpg 1,022 × 682; 117 KB
Paul, Olatz eta Lara Auster.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 767 KB
- Auster (surname)
- Paul (given name)
- Benjamin (given name)
- 1947 births
- 2024 deaths
- Deaths from lung cancer
- Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Commanders of the French Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
- PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction winners
- Honorary doctors of the University of Liege
- Honorary doctors of the University of Copenhagen
- Alumni of Columbia High School
- Jewish people of the United States
- People of Newark, New Jersey
- People of South Orange, New Jersey
- People of Paris by name
- Novelists from the United States
- Male film directors from the United States
- Poets from the United States
- Alumni of Columbia University
- Recipients of the Prince of Asturias Awards
- Writers from Paris
- Births in Newark, New Jersey
- 77-year-old deaths