Category:Parades in Albany, New York
- Cities in New York State
- ‒ Capital District
- Albany
- Troy
- ‒ Central New York
- Ithaca
- Syracuse
- ‒ New York City and Long Island
- New York City
- ‒ Finger Lakes
- Rochester
- ‒ Hudson Valley
- Kingston
- New Rochelle
- Poughkeepsie
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- Yonkers
- ‒ Mohawk Valley
- Utica
- ‒ North Country
- ‒ Southern Tier
- Binghamton
- ‒ Western New York
- Buffalo
- Niagara Falls
Media in category "Parades in Albany, New York"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
20220507 - 02 - Albany, New York - Tulip Queen Procession begins.jpg 4,032 × 2,419; 4.96 MB
20220507 - 03 - Albany, New York - Albany Police mounted unit at Tulip Queen Procession.jpg 3,045 × 2,284; 3.67 MB
Capital Gay Pride parade in Albany New York 2009.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 2.07 MB
Gerald Jennings St. Patricks Day Parade (cropped).JPG 625 × 833; 247 KB
Gerald Jennings St. Patricks Day Parade.JPG 1,990 × 2,332; 1.8 MB