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Category:Owyang King

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<nowiki>Owyang King; 欧陽庚; Owyang King; Owyang King; 欧阳庚; Owyang King; Diplomat of Late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China; 清朝末期および中華民国の外交官; 广东香山县张家边大岭村人,清末民初的中国外交官; 广东香山县张价边大岭村人,清末民初的中国外交官; 欧阳少白,欧阳兆庭; Ouyang King; Ouyang Geng</nowiki>
Owyang King 
Diplomat of Late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China
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Date of birth1858
Date of death1941
Country of citizenship
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English: Owyang King(1858-1941), born at Xiangshan, Guangdong, Chinese diplomat during the late Qing and early Republic.

Media in category "Owyang King"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.