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Category:Outdoor advertising

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 See also category: Indoor advertising.
<nowiki>Publicidad exterior; 戶外廣告; kültéri reklám; Välireklaam; Außenwerbung; тышкы риклам; Արտաքիին գովազդ; наружная реклама; Aussenwerbung; Hysbysebu tu allan i'r cartref; mídia digital out of home; out-of-home advertising; تبلیغات محیطی; Външна реклама; إعلان خارج المنزل; Sokak reklamı; 戶外廣告; Mídia digital out of home; buitenreclame; utomhusreklam; reklama zewnętrzna; зовнішня реклама; тышкы риклам; Out-of-home advertising; oglaševanje na javnih mestih; Pubblicità esterna; Ulkomainonta; out-of-home advertising; out-of-home advertising; publicité extérieure; Publicitatea stradală; sokak reklamı iş yerlerine daha fazla müşteri kazandırabilmek için kullanılan etkili bir reklamcılık yöntemidir,genellikle büyük ve dikkat çekici tabelalar kullanılır; nom donné à la publicité dans les espaces publics; Método de mercadotecnia; name given to the advertising in public spaces; Bezeichnung für die Werbung im öffentlichen Raum; реклама, размещённая на различных поверхностях, расположенных на открытой местности; een reclameuiting die vanaf de openbare weg zichtbaar is; Publicitate exterioară; Publicitate stradală; Außenreklame; Publicidade exterior; out-of-home media; 户外广告; házon kívüli reklám; otthonon kívüli reklám</nowiki>
out-of-home advertising 
name given to the advertising in public spaces
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Wikidata Q587743
GND ID: 4140128-1
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85001186
J9U ID: 987007292937605171
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This category has the following 30 subcategories, out of 30 total.

Media in category "Outdoor advertising"

The following 151 files are in this category, out of 151 total.