<nowiki>No Frills; ノーフリル; low cost; חברות חסך; No frills; No frills; низкая стоимость; no frills; No frills; Baixo custo; no frills; تكلفة منخفضة; Geen-fieterjasiesakemodelle; تكلفة منخفضة; izpustitev nebistvenih delov blaga ali storitve za zmanjšanje stroškov v podjetju; Weglassen von nicht essenziellen Teilen einer Ware oder Dienstleistung zur Kostensenkung in Unternehmen; product or service with non-essential features removed to minimize cost; مفهوم التسويق; مفهوم التسويق; No-frills; No frills-concept; No-Frills; No-Frills-Konzept; Low cost; Companhia aérea low cost; low cost; budget product; budget service; cost-optimized; economy product; economy service; bargain product; affordable; العمل; Entreprise à bas coûts; Services low cost; Bas coût; Low-cost; العمل</nowiki>
no frills
product or service with non-essential features removed to minimize cost