Category:Night in Rochester, New York
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Media in category "Night in Rochester, New York"
The following 108 files are in this category, out of 108 total.
21stFloorBalconyFirstFederalPlaza.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.54 MB
21stFloorBarFirstFederalPlaza.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.6 MB
21stFloorRoomFirstFederalPlaza.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.34 MB
Art Tatum, ca. May 1946 (William P. Gottlieb 08311).jpg 916 × 1,150; 189 KB
AsburyFirstUnitedMethodistChurchNorthEntrance.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.67 MB
Buffalo Bisons at Rochester Red Wings - 20210706 - 05.jpg 2,100 × 1,574; 1.07 MB
Chase Tower at dusk.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.69 MB
ChristmasEve2019OurLadyOfVictoryEntrance.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.43 MB
CinemaTheaterRochesterNewYork.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.57 MB
Dinosaur BBQ in Rochester - by David Sifry.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 1.32 MB
Downtown Rochester Sunset.JPG 1,280 × 960; 330 KB
Eastman.jpg 640 × 425; 323 KB
Eastmanatnight.jpg 640 × 425; 92 KB
EastmanTheater1.jpg 2,804 × 1,468; 1.89 MB
EastmanTheatre2021BeforeTheShow.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.65 MB
EastmanTheatre2021EmptyingOut.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.79 MB
EastmanTheatre2021HatchHallBeforeTheShow.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 4.36 MB
EastmanTheatre2021MezzanineLounge.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 3.46 MB
FiveStarBankPlazaChristmasEve2018.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.23 MB
FrontierFieldMCCKodakTowerLandscape.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.21 MB
FrontierFieldMCCKodakTowerPortrait.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 2.72 MB
GeeksWhoDrink2018.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.41 MB
HighlandParkDinerRochesterNewYork.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.48 MB
HSBC Plaza.jpg 1,174 × 2,237; 485 KB
IrondequoitNewYorkChristmas2018TreeAndMenorahLighting.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.63 MB
IrondequoitNewYorkChristmas2018TreeAndMenorahLightingChorale.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 4.5 MB
IrondequoitNewYorkChristmas2018TreeAndMenorahLightingConcertBand.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4 MB
Kodak Tower at Night.JPG 3,456 × 4,608; 2.45 MB
KodakTowerDusk.jpg 3,888 × 5,184; 6.1 MB
Legacy Tower Entrance at dusk.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.98 MB
Leopold Street Shul(1).jpg 6,000 × 3,974; 3.27 MB
LibertyPoleHolidayLighting2017d.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 7.53 MB
LibertyPoleHolidayLighting2017e.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 8.47 MB
LibertyPoleHolidayLighting2017f.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 6.91 MB
LibertyPoleHolidayLighting2017g.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 8.81 MB
LibertyPoleHolidayLighting2017h.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 8.6 MB
Little Theatre(1).jpg 6,000 × 3,974; 2.54 MB
LittleTheatreRochesterNewYork.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.48 MB
LittleTheatreRochesterNewYorkOblique.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.45 MB
LookingNortheastFromFirstFederalPlazaTower.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.17 MB
LuxLoungeRochesterNewYork.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.56 MB
MemorialArtGallery2017.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 8.66 MB
MemorialArtGallery2017CutlerUnion.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 3.21 MB
Monroenight.jpg 3,456 × 3,880; 10.19 MB
Museum of Play at night.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.77 MB
Nickssuperstore.jpg 5,202 × 3,465; 14.85 MB
NorthFacadeOldEastHighSchoolRochesterNewYork.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 4.12 MB
NorthSideOldEastHighSchoolRochesterNewYork.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.76 MB
NoxNightclubEntranceRochesterNewYork.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.77 MB
OxAndStoneRestaurant.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.52 MB
Part of Rochester's Skyline at Nigh.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.17 MB
RecordArchiveBirthdaySaleStorefront.jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 2.86 MB
RIT yearbook 1967 page 23.jpg 975 × 1,318; 157 KB
RIT yearbook 1967 page 43.jpg 975 × 1,318; 165 KB
RIT yearbook 1967 page 44.jpg 975 × 1,318; 114 KB
RITCityArtSpaceOpeningNight.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3 MB
Rochester Play Museum Atrium at Night.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.58 MB
RochesterHeritageGospelConcert2019.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.05 MB
RochesterNYAnthonyGraveElectionDay2020A.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 4.16 MB
RochesterNYAnthonyGraveElectionDay2020B.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.87 MB
RochesterNYAnthonyGraveElectionDay2020C.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.22 MB
RochesterNYDouglassStatueElectionDay2020A.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.93 MB
RochesterNYDouglassStatueElectionDay2020B.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.93 MB
RochesterNYDouglassStatueElectionDay2020C.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.97 MB
RochesterPublicMarketFoodTruckRodeo2018BandshellA.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.74 MB
RochesterPublicMarketFoodTruckRodeo2018BandshellB.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.71 MB
RochesterPublicMarketFoodTruckRodeo2018JuanAndMarias.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.92 MB
RochesterRedWingsVsBuffaloBisonsAugust2017Game.jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 3.38 MB
RocTheParkUrbanMusicFestivalLatinoMusicNight.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.87 MB
RubyShoozConcertByTheShoreAugust2017.jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 2.5 MB
Rundel Library building(1).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 3.4 MB
RushRheesLibrary2021.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 5.96 MB
RushRheesLibraryAtNightInLateSpringLandscapeCloseup.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.43 MB
RushRheesLibraryAtNightInLateSpringLandscapeDistant.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.61 MB
RushRheesLibraryAtNightInLateSpringPortraitCloseup.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.32 MB
Saint Mary's church at dusk.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.59 MB
StateStreetHistoricDistrictRochester.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.85 MB
StMarysChurchRochesterNewYorkChoirChristmasEve2018.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.46 MB
StMarysChurchRochesterNewYorkNaveChristmasEve2018.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.49 MB
StMarysChurchRochesterNewYorkPastorsMemorialPlaque.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.23 MB
StMarysChurchRochesterNewYorkPlaqueAdMajoremDeiGloriam.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.31 MB
StMarysChurchRochesterNewYorkSanctuaryChristmasEve2018.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3 MB
StMarysChurchRochesterNewYorkWashingtonParkThroughEastWindowChristmasEve2018.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 2.48 MB
StMarysChurchRochesterNewYorkWorldWarIMemorialPlaque.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 2.35 MB
StPatricksDay2019RochesterJohnnysIrishPub.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.88 MB
StPaulsEpiscopalChurch2018StainedGlassWindow.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.41 MB
StrasenburghPlanetarium2020AtNight.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.17 MB
TempleBethElSelichotService2018.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.24 MB
TempleBuildingRochesterEntrance.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.08 MB
TempleBuildingRochesterJazzFestival2019CatherineRussell.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 2.95 MB
TempleBuildingRochesterJazzFestival2019CatherineRussellLong.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.02 MB
Times Square Building Rochester NY twilight.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.74 MB
TimesSquareBuildingRochesterNewYorkAtNight.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.56 MB
URInterfaithChapelBrennanRoom.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.05 MB
URInterfaithChapelConferenceRoom202.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.08 MB
URInterfaithChapelRiverLevelRoomAfterChristmasEve2018MassCookies.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 2.97 MB
URInterfaithChapelRiverLevelRoomAfterChristmasEve2018MassHorsDoeuvres.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.32 MB
URInterfaithChapelRiverLevelRoomFacingSouthwestAfterChrismasEve2018Mass.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.1 MB
URInterfaithChapelRiverLevelRoomLookingNortheastAfterChrismasEve2018Mass.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.69 MB
URInterfaithChapelSanctuaryCenterEntrance.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 2.55 MB
URInterfaithChapelSanctuaryLandscape.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 2.82 MB
URInterfaithChapelSanctuaryPortrait.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.64 MB
URInterfaithChapelSanctuarySouthEntranceAndPeacePole.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.41 MB
VillageGateStairwell.jpg 3,036 × 4,048; 3.57 MB
WegmansConcertsByTheShore2018Skycoasters.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.7 MB
XRIJF2018EastmanSchoolOfMusic.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.23 MB
XRIJF2018JamSessionWithKarlStabnau.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 4.08 MB