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Category:Nan Kai University of Technology

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<nowiki>南開技術学院; 난카이 과기대학; Nan Kai University of Technology; Технологічний університет Нань Кай; 南开科技大学; 南開科技大學; 台湾の大学; Universität in der Republik China; universitas di Taiwan; university in Nantou County, Taiwan; جامعة في تايوان; 台湾南投县大学; 臺灣南投縣大學; Nan Kai Junior College; Nan Kai Junior College of Technology and Commerce; Nan Kai Institute of Technology; NKUT; 南開技術學院; 南开科技大学; 南开技术学院; 南开技术学院</nowiki>
Nan Kai University of Technology 
university in Nantou County, Taiwan
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LocationCaotun Township, Nantou County, Taiwan Province, ROC
Street address
  • [542]南投縣草屯鎮中正路568號
  • 1969
  • 1971
  • 92,030 m²
official website
Map23° 58′ 47.28″ N, 120° 41′ 49.2″ E
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