<nowiki>Muzej in umetnostna galerija Severnega teritorija; ノーザンテリトリー博物美術館; musée et galerie d'art du Territoire du Nord; 北領地博物館和美術館; Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory; Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory; 北领地博物馆和美术馆; Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory; umetnostni muzej v Avstraliji; musée en Australie; museum pertunjukan seni di Australia; kunstmuseum in Australië; Kunstmuseum in Australien; museum and art gallery; متحف فني; mirdi Aostralia; muze i arteve; Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT); MAGNT; Museum et galerie d'art du Territoire du Nord; Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory</nowiki>