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Category:Mobile charges in heraldry

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Deutsch: Gemeine Figur
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Français : Meuble héraldique
Italiano: Mobile araldico
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English: There are two kinds of charges: mobile charges and ordinary charges (ordinaries & subordinaries).
<nowiki>mueble heráldico; címerkép; altzari heraldiko; heraldische Figur; gemeine Figur; негеральдычныя фігуры; 紋章圖像; figur; mobilă; コモン・チャージ; allmän bild; негеральдичні фігури; figura vulgaris; yleiskuvio; obecná figura; mobile araldico; meuble héraldique; naravni lik; figuras; neheraldiskā figūra; mobiliosios figūros; splošni lik; Heraldesch Figur; mobilia herbowe; alminnelig figur; gewoon stuk; figúra všeobecná; moble; негеральдические фигуры; mobile charge; tavaline figuuri; κοινό στοιχείο; нехералдическа фигура; en heráldica figuras estilizadas de objetos, plantas, animales, criaturas quiméricas, etc que figuran o cargan sobre el escudo; type de charge; heraldisk term; en heràldica són figures estilitzades d'objectes, animals, criatures imaginàries, etc que figuren dins del camper de l'escut; eine der zwei Arten einer Wappenfigur, Element des Wappenschildes; heraldinen termi; heraldic charge not tied to the size and shape of the shield, may be placed in any part of the field; symbolic representation of a person, animal, plant, object, building, simple geometric shapes or other device, usually stylized; stylizované vyobrazení postavy, zvířete či předmětu v heraldice; termine araldico; негеральдическая фигура; гербовая фигура; figure héraldique; figura natural, artificial o imaginaria; common charge; Allmän bild; гербова фігура; негеральдична фігура; moble heràldic</nowiki>
mobile charge 
heraldic charge not tied to the size and shape of the shield, may be placed in any part of the field; symbolic representation of a person, animal, plant, object, building, simple geometric shapes or other device, usually stylized
selection of frequently used mobile charges
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Media in category "Mobile charges in heraldry"

The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.