Category:Miskolc in art
Media in category "Miskolc in art"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
Avas szines.jpg 2,535 × 699; 413 KB
Bartus Ödön – Falurészlet (Hejőcsaba) 1920.png 992 × 715; 1.12 MB
Bartus Ödön – Görögkatolikus templom (1927).png 575 × 765; 402 KB
FelszEmlekmu SJ 01.jpg 341 × 505; 131 KB
Flood Relief Miskolc.jpg 644 × 505; 133 KB
Hímesko Mattioni01.jpg 1,644 × 1,560; 1.74 MB
Kelemen Didák Straße 5, Relief (1985), 2022 Miskolc.jpg 2,272 × 1,200; 731 KB
Kálmán Tomán, Old Wooden Church, Miskolc, 1937, painting.jpg 1,091 × 835; 782 KB
Lajos Gimes, Museum with the Avas church in winter, 1929, Miskolc, painting.jpg 1,096 × 806; 395 KB
Lajos Kiss, Kazinczy street, 1930, Miskolc, painting.jpg 626 × 853; 283 KB
Memorial of the Flood 1878.jpg 1,280 × 960; 532 KB
Miskolc old picture.jpg 798 × 531; 94 KB
Ödön Bartus, Church of Avas, 1920, Miskolc, painting.jpg 987 × 742; 553 KB
Ödön Bartus, Old synagogue of Miskolc, painting.jpg 928 × 624; 506 KB