Category:Metropolis of Kiev and all Rus'

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The Metropolis of Kiev and all Rus' was a metropolis that was erected on the territory of Kievan Rus'. The episcopal title has been created with varying suffixes at multiple times in different Christian churches, though always maintaining the name of the metropolitan city — Kiev (Kyiv) — which today is located in the modern state of Ukraine. The metropolis was originally part of the Eastern Orthodox Church and was canonically under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Following the Council of Florence (1441) and the Union of Brest, those parts of the metropolis that were outside the territory of the Tsardom of Moscow changed their allegiances to the Holy See. As a result, there are now parallel apostolic successions: in the Russian Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the Ruthenian Uniate Church and its successors.