Category:Meetings in Finland
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Media in category "Meetings in Finland"
The following 113 files are in this category, out of 113 total.
"Books for the Blind" Association 1941 (4653C; JOKAHBL3C B35-1).tif 6,645 × 4,678; 29.69 MB
A board meeting concerning civil defence 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9766).tif 4,961 × 4,915; 23.28 MB
A board's meeting on youth work 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9736).tif 4,961 × 4,922; 23.31 MB
A competition for ore prospectors 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-10067).tif 4,961 × 4,949; 23.44 MB
A discussion of indemnities 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-11925).tif 4,943 × 4,961; 23.41 MB
A meeting 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11547).tif 4,961 × 3,517; 16.66 MB
A meeting 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11574).tif 4,961 × 3,529; 16.72 MB
A meeting 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9269).tif 4,961 × 3,518; 16.67 MB
A meeting of a committee 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-11728).tif 4,960 × 4,896; 23.18 MB
A meeting of a fire insurance company 1940 (JOKAKAL3B-6083).tif 5,333 × 3,831; 19.52 MB
A meeting of Isosydänmaa reindeer owners' association 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9648).tif 4,961 × 4,933; 23.36 MB
A meeting of Oulu's Rotary Club 1937 (JOKAKAL3B-3665).tif 5,300 × 3,795; 19.23 MB
A meeting of Oulu's Rotary Club 1937 (JOKAKAL3B-3666).tif 5,333 × 3,831; 19.54 MB
A meeting of Oulun Suomalainen Klubi 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9102).tif 4,929 × 4,961; 23.35 MB
A meeting of social workers who promote sobriety 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-12344).tif 4,961 × 4,928; 23.34 MB
A meeting of the production committee 1961 (JOKAKAL3B9196-1).tif 4,906 × 4,961; 23.24 MB
A meeting of the production committee 1961 (JOKAKAL3B9196-2).tif 4,904 × 4,961; 23.23 MB
A meeting of the project for cleaning the Liminkaoja waterway 1962 (JOKAKAL3B-13104).tif 4,127 × 4,152; 16.37 MB
A meeting to discuss the foundation of a planning centre 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-12342).tif 4,961 × 3,324; 15.75 MB
Administration of the University of Oulu 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11580).tif 4,961 × 4,940; 23.4 MB
Agents of Sibelius committees and teachers' associations in a meeting 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-12341).tif 4,960 × 3,327; 15.77 MB
An event related to the University of Oulu 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9312).tif 4,961 × 4,955; 23.47 MB
Annual meeting of the regional council of Northern Ostrobothnia 1962 (JOKAKAL3B-12589).tif 4,166 × 4,110; 16.37 MB
Assistant judge U I Miesmaa with the municipal representatives 1962 (JOKAKAL3B-12974).tif 4,163 × 4,117; 16.38 MB
Cereal regulation 1940 (2367C; JOKAHBL3C A22-1).tif 6,913 × 4,686; 30.93 MB
Cooperative traders in a meeting 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-12157).tif 4,960 × 3,320; 15.73 MB
Dstmahdollistaja cc by suviko.jpg 3,934 × 2,651; 4.81 MB
Eemil Luukka gets acquainted with the city planning in Oulu 1961(JOKAKAL3B-12187).tif 4,961 × 4,897; 23.19 MB
Finnish Port Association's meeting 1961(JOKAKAL3B-12180).tif 4,961 × 3,320; 15.73 MB
Headteachers in a meeting 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-12097).tif 4,961 × 4,897; 23.2 MB
Helsingin kaupungin rahatoimikamarin kokous - N995 - hkm.HKMS000005-km0000mxwc.jpg 3,543 × 2,613; 1.44 MB
Helsinki - Helsinki 1936 - N87016 - hkm.HKMS000005-km002uy9.jpg 3,543 × 2,189; 1.61 MB
Inspection of Kaleva's circulation 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11561).tif 4,960 × 3,610; 17.1 MB
Inspection of Kaleva's circulation 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-9197).tif 4,961 × 3,494; 16.55 MB
Kulutusosuuskuntien keskusliiton kokoelma D1974 11874D (29923894363).jpg 1,984 × 2,000; 609 KB
Kulutusosuuskuntien Keskusliiton kokoelma D1974 8463 (30912957355).jpg 5,758 × 5,760; 2.81 MB
Kulutusosuuskuntien keskusliiton kokoelma D1974 9306A (29923893253).jpg 1,997 × 2,000; 566 KB
Lotta Svärd -järjestön vuosikokous 1937 (HK19670603-16686).tif 5,228 × 3,467; 17.31 MB
Maalaisliiton Uudenmaan piirin kokous Helsingissä 1955 (KK5596-9.KOK.37.1).tif 4,961 × 3,543; 16.79 MB
Maatalousnaisten juhlakokous Helsingissä 1937 (HK19670603-29660).tif 5,151 × 3,508; 17.26 MB
Meeting about the future of Porkkala 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G28-1).tif 4,520 × 4,636; 20.02 MB
Meeting about the future of Porkkala 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G28-3).tif 4,526 × 4,666; 20.18 MB
Meeting about the future of Porkkala 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G28-4).tif 4,502 × 4,672; 20.1 MB
Meeting about the future of Porkkala 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G28-6).tif 4,538 × 4,678; 20.29 MB
Meeting concerning the return migration to Porkkala 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G30-2).tif 4,532 × 4,696; 20.34 MB
Meeting concerning the return migration to Porkkala 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G30-3).tif 4,538 × 4,702; 20.39 MB
Meeting concerning the return migration to Porkkala 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G30-4).tif 4,550 × 4,714; 20.5 MB
Miehiä kokoustamassa vuonna 1959 (JOKAKAL3B-11454).tif 4,961 × 4,913; 23.28 MB
MTK delegation meeting 1960 (JOKAMT2MTK72-2).tif 5,191 × 3,716; 55.22 MB
MTK n valtuuskunnan kokous 1960 (JOKAMT2MTK71-2).tif 5,148 × 3,778; 55.67 MB
MTK's delegation meeting the Finnish prime minister Ahti Karjalainen (JOKAMT2MTK72-1).tif 5,180 × 3,807; 56.45 MB
MTK's federal assembly (JOKAMT2MTK61-15).tif 5,188 × 3,681; 54.67 MB
MTK's federal assembly 1960 (JOKAMT2MTK61-12).tif 5,196 × 3,720; 55.33 MB
MTK's federal assembly 1960 (JOKAMT2MTK61-17).tif 5,170 × 3,715; 54.98 MB
MTK's governing body meeting 1960 (JOKAMT2MTK52-1).tif 5,188 × 3,736; 55.48 MB
MTKs' federal assembly 1960 (JOKAMT2MTK61-13).tif 5,172 × 3,784; 56.02 MB
Naispartiojohtajien kokous 1941 (HK19880106-305).tif 3,500 × 2,295; 23.01 MB
Negotiations at MTK institute 1960 (JOKAMT2MTK62-1).tif 5,171 × 3,815; 56.47 MB
Newspaper publishers visiting in Simonpaino printing house 1960 (JOKAMT2MT23-1).tif 5,124 × 3,661; 53.7 MB
Officials' meeting in Oulu 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11570).tif 4,961 × 4,941; 23.4 MB
Officials' meeting in Oulu 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11572).tif 4,961 × 4,906; 69.66 MB
Osuusliike Elannon johtokunnan kokous 1937 (HK19670603-29669).tif 5,113 × 3,508; 17.13 MB
Oulun työväenopiston johtokunta kokouksessaan 1963-02-13 (JOKAKAL3B-13457).tif 4,961 × 2,313; 10.97 MB
Oulun yliopiston konsistori kokouksessaan 1959-07-06 (JOKAKAL3B-11369).tif 4,960 × 4,902; 23.21 MB
Oulun yliopiston konsistorin kokous 1959-07-06 (JOKAKAL3B-11452).tif 4,960 × 4,960; 23.49 MB
Professionals in the field of dairy industry gather in a meeting 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-9307).tif 4,961 × 4,955; 23.47 MB
Road owners meeting in the Parish cottage 1956 (JOKAVN4A1G58-1).tif 4,684 × 4,647; 20.8 MB
Business meeting or training seminar of the company Bang & Co 1973 (JOKAUAS2 16403-1).tif 4,719 × 4,757; 21.44 MB
Business meeting or training seminar of the company Bang & Co 1973 (JOKAUAS2 16403-2).tif 4,719 × 4,757; 21.44 MB
Plywood factory in Viiala 1953 (JOKAUAS2 2018-7).tif 4,761 × 4,745; 21.58 MB
Saimaa Canal's new alignment (JOKAMT2Se27-1).tif 3,811 × 5,084; 55.46 MB
Siika-Pyhäjokialueen liitto's annual meeting 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9654).tif 4,941 × 4,960; 23.4 MB
Sports administration in the Province of Oulu 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9142).tif 4,961 × 4,932; 23.36 MB
Suojeluskuntalaisia kokouksessa - N26990 - hkm.HKMS000005-km002ngy.jpg 3,543 × 2,538; 1.11 MB
Suomen Aseveljien Liitto 1942.jpg 1,200 × 782; 211 KB
Suomen elokuvateatteriliiton kokous 1942 (HK19670603-46782).tif 5,214 × 3,440; 17.13 MB
Suomen Pankin pankkivaltuuskunta koolla Helsingissä 1955 (KK5596-31.SÄ.27).tif 4,897 × 3,621; 16.93 MB
Tax inspection boards of the Province of Oulu 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11535).tif 4,961 × 4,940; 23.4 MB
The annual meeting of the printing house Kaleva 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11615).tif 4,922 × 4,960; 23.31 MB
The annual meeting of the printing house Kaleva 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-9274).tif 4,883 × 4,961; 23.13 MB
The City Board of Oulu discusses the zoning plan 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-11667).tif 4,960 × 4,914; 23.27 MB
The insurance company Pohjois-Suomen keskinäinen vakuutusyhtiö 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11526).tif 4,961 × 4,935; 23.38 MB
The insurance company Pohjois-Suomen keskinäinen vakuutusyhtiö 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11527).tif 4,961 × 4,880; 23.11 MB
The insurance company Pohjois-Suomen keskinäinen vakuutusyhtiö 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11528).tif 4,961 × 4,950; 23.44 MB
The insurance company Pohjois-Suomen keskinäinen vakuutusyhtiö 1960 (JOKAKAL3B-11529).tif 4,961 × 4,940; 23.4 MB
The national settlement event in Ranua 1962 (JOKAKAL3B-13093).tif 4,174 × 4,145; 16.54 MB
Truck drivers in a meeting 1961 (JOKAKAL3B12209-2).tif 4,961 × 4,895; 23.18 MB
Uimahallikokous 1962 (KUVKOSKN2430-2).jpg 1,180 × 1,200; 340 KB
Valtionarkisto 1959. XXIII arkistokokous 15.4.1959 Helsinki. Kansallisarkisto.jpg 2,481 × 1,721; 822 KB
Veterans' meeting in Oulainen 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-9110).tif 4,961 × 4,904; 23.23 MB
Veterinarians' meeting 1961 (JOKAKAL3B-11642).tif 4,938 × 4,961; 23.39 MB
Ylivieska's municipal status under consideration 1963 (JOKAKAL3B-13505).tif 4,961 × 3,035; 14.38 MB