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Category:Matching (graph theory)

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English: In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a matching or independent edge set in a graph is a set of edges without common vertices. It may also be an entire graph consisting of edges without common vertices.
 See also category: Vertex cover problem.
<nowiki>apareamiento; couplage; parekatze; שידוך; 匹配; паросочетание; المطابقة; Matching; acoplamento; Cydweddiad (damcaniaeth graffiau); զուգակցում; 匹配; prirejanje; cuplaj; マッチング; 匹配; accoppiamento; matchning; skojarzenie; парування; koppeling; 匹配; párosítás; aparellament; 매칭; matching; parigo; párování grafu; تطابق; набор попарно несмежных рёбер графа; gráfelméletben egy gráf olyan éleinek halmaza, melyek páronként csúcsdiszjunktak; Kantenmenge in der Graphentheorie; insieme di spigoli senza vertici comuni; set of edges without common vertices; conjunto de aristas independientes en un grado; בגרפים, סט קצוות ללא קודקודים משותפים; mulțime de muchii fără noduri comune; prirejeni graf; appariement; alternande väg; största matchning; nästan perfekt matchning; utökande väg; независимое множество рёбер; Paarungen in Graphen; Paarung; Zuordnungsproblem; Matching (Graphentheorie); matching (graph theory); independent edge set; تطابق(گراف); független élhalmaz; matching; conjunto independiente de aristas; emparejamiento</nowiki>
set of edges without common vertices
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Wikidata Q1065144
GND ID: 4831446-8
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85082044
J9U ID: 987007555888405171
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Media in category "Matching (graph theory)"

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