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English: Maroons (from the word marronage or American/Spanish cimarrón: "fugitive, runaway", lit. "living on mountaintops"; from Spanish cima: "top, summit") were runaway slaves in the West Indies, Central America, South America, and North America, who formed independent settlements together. The same designation has also became a derivation for the verb marooning.
<nowiki>negro cimarrón; Marrunaghju; Beltz zimarroi; Negre cimarrón; Maroons; Лясныя негры; مارون‌ها; 马龙人; Maron; マルーン; maronneger; Марони; Cimarro; 馬龍人; 马龙人; 마룬족; Maroon; Nègre marron; Mawonaj; Maroonid; Maroon; Maroonar; Maronai; maroni; 马龙人; marrons; Maroni; מארונים; Maroni; maroon; Maronlar; Мароны; Maroni (narod); Wabusinenge; ማሩን; maroons; مارون; maroon; Maronit; esclavo africano que escapó y sus descendientes; esclave africain fugitif et ses descendants; представники особливих співтовариств втікачів рабів-негрів та їх нащадків змішаного походження (мулати, самбо), які протягом століть вели напівкочовий і незалежний спосіб життя; gevluchte Afrikaanse slaven in Zuid-Amerika, en hun nakomelingen; Ethnie ehemaliger afrikanischer Sklaven in Amerika; paennut orja Karibialla; African refugees who escaped from slavery in the Americas, and their descendants; شعب أفريقي; refugiados africanos que escaparam da escravidão nas Américas e seus descendentes; afriški begunci, ki so pobegnili iz suženjstva v Ameriki, in njihovi potomci; Esclavos cimarrones; Cimarrones; esclavo cimarrón; cimarrón; マウォン; marron; negmarron; cimarron; marronnage; maron; maroon; boslandcreool; bosneger; marons; bosnegers; Маруны; Maroons; Simaronai; 馬龍人; 逃亡黑奴; Maroner; Maronerne</nowiki>
African refugees who escaped from slavery in the Americas, and their descendants
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  • Marronnage
Said to be the same asquilombola
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Wikidata Q445485
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85081396
J9U ID: 987007553388605171
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