Category:Maps of fictional countries on Earth
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
- Maps of Nineteen Eighty-Four (26 F)
- Maps of Gulliver's Travels (16 F)
- Jesusland map (9 F)
- Maps of Lemuria (11 F)
- Panem (6 F)
- Maps of Tintin (9 F)
Media in category "Maps of fictional countries on Earth"
The following 89 files are in this category, out of 89 total.
Allied States of America Jericho.PNG 1,427 × 628; 47 KB
American East Indies Flag Map.png 1,308 × 482; 53 KB
ARMA 2 Chernarus factbook map.png 620 × 515; 188 KB
ASA-USA Jericho Map.PNG 800 × 520; 54 KB
ASA-USA Jericho Map.svg 959 × 593; 148 KB
Basic shape of Listenbourg fictional country black.svg 1,055 × 1,107; 5 KB
Basic shape of Listenbourg fictional country.svg 1,055 × 1,107; 7 KB
Californie submergee simulation.svg 775 × 1,363; 485 KB
Canada flag map (without Quebec).svg 875 × 750; 25 KB
Carte Listenbourg.jpg 1,117 × 812; 105 KB
Chandragupta Maurya Empire.jpg 720 × 715; 379 KB
Das Neue Europa Mit Dem Dauernden Frieden. Die Unionisierung Mitteleuropas.jpg 8,578 × 6,229; 12.4 MB
Escape map.png 602 × 304; 10 KB
EU-Syldave.svg 1,070 × 900; 387 KB
Europe with and without Listenbourg fictional country grayscale.svg 961 × 1,400; 484 KB
Europe with and without Listenbourg fictional country.svg 2,087 × 1,166; 945 KB
Farneti Arabian Federation Attacco Occidente.svg 350 × 300; 106 KB
Farneti USA Nuovo Impero Occidente.svg 500 × 542; 45 KB
Fiat Lux Canticle map.png 850 × 607; 848 KB
Fictional Celtic State.svg 215 × 380; 87 KB
Fictional country from reversed map of France.svg 1,055 × 1,107; 83 KB
Fictional country Listenbourg color map.svg 1,720 × 1,248; 249 KB
Fictional country Listenbourg five regions and capital.svg 1,000 × 1,000; 46 KB
Fictional country Listenbourg map.svg 1,720 × 1,248; 249 KB
Flag map of the Mughal Empire.png 557 × 577; 88 KB
From France upside down to Listenbourg fictional country.svg 1,055 × 1,107; 502 KB
GermanyMustPerish2.jpg 1,890 × 1,300; 713 KB
GitS-Appleseed Imperial America 2030.png 950 × 650; 27 KB
GKR Map of Homefront.PNG 1,425 × 625; 54 KB
Groot-Nederland in Europa.PNG 1,025 × 673; 41 KB
Hall Another World and Yet the Same 1607 Cornell CUL PJM 1009 01.jpg 6,371 × 6,026; 4.83 MB
HOI4 State Map.png 5,632 × 2,048; 204 KB
Islandia Map.jpeg 419 × 343; 37 KB
Kaartflan.jpg 931 × 931; 130 KB
Kakinada Globe.jpg 2,784 × 2,815; 2.29 MB
Kingdom of Besmenia 1860 map.png 2,080 × 2,080; 1,020 KB
KINKOWII.JPG 280 × 186; 13 KB
Kraj Lovecrafta.svg 567 × 792; 1.1 MB
Location of Latveria.png 250 × 115; 2 KB
Latveria2.jpg 300 × 250; 15 KB
Latveria2.JPG 300 × 250; 22 KB
Le Pays Sauvage..svg 310 × 599; 246 KB
Locatie Symkaria.PNG 250 × 115; 4 KB
LocationUqbar (1917).png 250 × 115; 7 KB
Lovecraft country.jpg 1,885 × 1,089; 122 KB
Lovecraft Country.svg 567 × 792; 1.1 MB
Map from Mundus alter et idem.jpg 250 × 216; 22 KB
Map of a political game country.png 276 × 372; 19 KB
Map of Little Britain.png 387 × 600; 70 KB
Map of Sunda Empire.jpg 1,280 × 906; 209 KB
Map of the Atlantrop Projekt en.png 2,889 × 3,497; 4.65 MB
Map of the URTI.svg 400 × 336; 1.34 MB
Mapa de la República Federal d’Andalusia.svg 1,184 × 1,016; 450 KB
Mega-city One according to The Apocalypse War.svg 564 × 482; 102 KB
Mm4wwyc0dwy21.png 6,815 × 6,764; 12.39 MB
Mughal Empire (1700).png 1,120 × 750; 18 KB
Mughal Empire (orthographic projection).svg 541 × 541; 217 KB
MughalEmpire1700.svg 2,568 × 1,500; 147 KB
Mughals.gif 400 × 337; 10 KB
Mythical Kingdom of Quito english.jpg 2,776 × 3,608; 932 KB
New Byuzantia.png 1,200 × 1,000; 38 KB
No truce with Kings (map).svg 650 × 1,150; 354 KB
Palombia map.png 250 × 325; 6 KB
Palombia mapa.png 212 × 119; 3 KB
Partition of Switzerland.svg 600 × 660; 183 KB
Peking Government.png 1,280 × 1,280; 440 KB
People's Republic of Pineland.png 800 × 303; 73 KB
PMDA Location.png 633 × 714; 1.74 MB
Rhode Island in my worldkopie.gif 467 × 1,247; 47 KB
Schweiz Aufteilung nach Gaddafi Karte.png 650 × 701; 147 KB
Shalisuka Empire.jpg 720 × 677; 412 KB
Stefano Bonsignori - Kenya and Tanzania - Google Art Project.jpg 6,495 × 6,742; 16.22 MB
Sunset Song - Map including main characters.svg 940 × 480; 97 KB
Switzerland Gaddafi Map-English.png 650 × 701; 143 KB
The 62 provinces of a hypothetical Iberian State.svg 512 × 351; 512 KB
The Mughal Empire.jpg 2,225 × 2,185; 591 KB
The world in 2020 according to Tom Clancy.png 4,500 × 2,234; 453 KB
TNOflagMap.webp 4,096 × 1,491; 433 KB
United Slavic Republic.PNG 800 × 352; 56 KB
Vejsnoria location map.png 1,626 × 1,451; 390 KB
Wakanda in Africa.png 1,024 × 717; 43 KB
Wakanda map.svg 1,071 × 727; 640 KB
Xaojie map.png 1,280 × 1,280; 443 KB
Yemo plek in Atlantische Oceaan.png 390 × 356; 85 KB
Латверія і Симкарія.png 600 × 500; 65 KB
Легенда навчань "Запад-2017".jpg 660 × 400; 99 KB
Россматихат.png 640 × 400; 163 KB