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Location | North Africa, Africa, Southern Hemisphere | ||||
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العربية: (المغرب العربي al-Maġrib al-ʿArabī
English: The Maghreb , also rendered Magreb, al-Maġrib al-ʿArabī, and rarely Moghreb, meaning "place of sunset" or "western" in Arabic, is a region in North Africa — comprising the lands, peoples, cultures, and habitats between the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, and the southern Sahara desert.
Español: Magreb o Mágreb (en árabe المغرب Al-Magrib) es la adaptación al español de una voz árabe que significa lugar por donde se pone el sol, el Poniente, la parte más occidental del Mundo Árabe.
Français : Le Maghreb est la région d’Afrique du Nord: comprise entre la mer Méditerranée, le Sahara et l’océan Atlantique. Ses habitants s'appellent les Maghrébins.
Italiano: Con il termine Maghreb (in arabo al-Maghrib "L'Occidente") si intende l'area più a ovest del Nordafrica che si affaccia sul mar Mediterraneo.
Português: O Magrebe ou Magreb (em língua árabe, المغرب, Al-Maghrib) abrange, em sentido estrito, Marrocos, Sahara Ocidental, Argélia e Tunísia (Pequeno Magreb ou Magreb Central). O Grande Magreb inclui também a Mauritânia e a Líbia.
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
Media in category "Maghreb"
The following 72 files are in this category, out of 72 total.
02022013 - Inès et Tony (8440042485).jpg 4,124 × 2,739; 4.7 MB
Flags map of Maghreb.svg 512 × 326; 60 KB
89v 90r نزهة المشتاق Arabe 2221 BNF.jpg 4,384 × 2,740; 2.23 MB
Africa (satellite image) (cropped) Magreb.jpg 2,463 × 1,150; 431 KB
Algerian-Moroccan Frontier.svg 502 × 500; 9 KB
Arabic albayancalligraphy.svg 343 × 151; 4 KB
Beduinen (39018822422).jpg 1,400 × 933; 451 KB
Berber States 1058.png 1,200 × 729; 248 KB
Deus Maghreb.png 2,000 × 2,000; 122 KB
Drapeau Subayh.jpg 1,169 × 681; 36 KB
Emboscada mora, Fernando Tirado.jpg 2,016 × 3,987; 5.94 MB
Frise chronologique Maghreb.svg 413 × 744; 202 KB
Geschichte des Kostüms (1905) (14580573400).jpg 2,180 × 2,552; 897 KB
IEG key blue CM.png 656 × 532; 64 KB
Joven posa con osamenta durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca 01.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 2.92 MB
Joven posa con osamenta durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca 03.jpg 5,450 × 3,066; 2.09 MB
Jóvenes posa con osamenta durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca 02.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 3.15 MB
Les hammadides.png 602 × 350; 103 KB
Logo IF Lybie.png 290 × 145; 18 KB
Maghreb and Sahel - DPLA - d45bfd17f5a3bd99361c261ffbb27f4c.jpg 2,550 × 3,270; 5.67 MB
MaghrebVIII.jpg 875 × 610; 239 KB
Maghrebxib.jpg 686 × 745; 104 KB
Maghrebxii.webp 976 × 593; 105 KB
Maria Dolores Masana.jpg 2,480 × 3,508; 1,005 KB
Morocco (Western Sahara) (Polisario).svg 512 × 512; 242 KB
Nekour Island.jpg 1,080 × 565; 265 KB
Niños de Casablanca en un parque para patinar 02.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 2.21 MB
Niños de Casablanca en un parque para patinar.jpg 4,076 × 3,613; 1.98 MB
Niños patinando en Casablanca 02.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 2.51 MB
Nojhan - Muttunbaal stele IMG 8796.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 3.41 MB
Nojhan - Stele from Maghreb IMG 8793.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 3.68 MB
Nojhan - Stele from Maghreb IMG 8795.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 3.55 MB
North Africa, from the "Physical And Political Map Of Africa ... 1822".png 1,905 × 791; 2.88 MB
Oases, Maghreb.JPG 2,272 × 1,704; 967 KB
Poster of the Workshop in Wikimedia Commons and Environmental Photography.jpg 3,556 × 2,000; 1.32 MB
Recreation of the 1934 AEMNA United Maghreb Flag.svg 900 × 600; 4 KB
Régence d'Alger en 1829.png 934 × 609; 897 KB
Sacrificio durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca (3).jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 2.44 MB
Sacrificio durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca (4).jpg 3,255 × 5,233; 2.33 MB
Sacrificio durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca (5).jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 2.61 MB
Sacrificio durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca (6).jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 5.53 MB
Sacrificio durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca (7).jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 5.13 MB
Sacrificio durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca (8).jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 3.4 MB
Sacrificio durante Eid al-Adha en Casablanca.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 2.65 MB
Table Unicode Tamazight Latin.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 88 KB
Tricolor chenoui flag.png 558 × 313; 19 KB
Verres à thé du maghreb.jpg 3,840 × 2,896; 5.42 MB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb Region Information Session Photo.png 1,920 × 1,080; 337 KB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb region logo (JPG) - Arabic and Tifinagh.jpg 1,890 × 1,417; 327 KB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb region logo (JPG) - English and Tifinagh.jpg 1,890 × 1,417; 329 KB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb region logo (JPG) - French and Tifinagh.jpg 1,890 × 1,417; 327 KB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb region logo (PNG) - Arabic and Tifinagh.png 1,890 × 1,417; 333 KB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb region logo (PNG) - French and Tifinagh.png 1,890 × 1,417; 343 KB
Wiki for Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb Region, Programme Session Photo.png 1,280 × 720; 339 KB
Wiki for Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb Region, Programme Session.png 1,334 × 749; 237 KB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 logo - English and Tifinagh.png 1,890 × 1,417; 341 KB
Wiki For Climate Change 2024 Maghreb region - Information Session.webm 52 min 16 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 150.42 MB
WIKIFOR CLIMATE CHANGE 2023 - MAGHREB REGION LOGO ( French and Tifinagh versions).png 1,890 × 1,417; 342 KB
Workshop In Wikimedia Commons And Environmental Photography Contest(1).webm 28 min 46 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 407 MB
África del Norte Española.svg 3,013 × 2,258; 2.06 MB
ألبرت أينشتاين.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 7 pages; 590 KB
المسالك والممالك.jpg 2,684 × 2,684; 2.33 MB
المغرب العربي.jpg 480 × 347; 40 KB
خريطة الاندلس و مملكة بني زيان والمملكة الوطاسية 1489م.jpg 887 × 741; 157 KB
شجرة الأرغان.jpg 200 × 133; 8 KB
ملصق مسابقة البيئة المغاربية.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 853 KB
نشاط المسلمين البحري في الحوض الغربي للبحر المتوسط.jpg 969 × 679; 221 KB