Category:MS 7 (Getty museum) - Book of hours Simon de Varie

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English: Book of Hours (`Hours of Simon de Varie'; use of Paris), ca. 1455. Illuminated with miniatures attributed to Jean Fouquet, Master of Jean Rolin and Dunois Master. Now scattered between Getty Museum and the Netherland Royal Library. The third part in the Getty Center was long thought to be lost, but resurfaced in 1983 when it was rediscovered by art historian and medievalist James Marrow in the possession of an antiquarian bookseller in San Francisco. That volume contains 97 leaves.
Français : Livre d'heures de Simon de Varye, conservé en trois volumes à la Bibliothèque royale des Pays-Bas et au Getty Center. Peint vers 1455 par le Maître de Dunois, le Maître de Jean Rolin et Jean Fouquet.