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Category:Lovingston, Virginia

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<nowiki>Lovingston; Lovingston; Lovingston; لاوینقستون، ویرجینیا; Lovingston; Лавингстон; Lovingston; لاوینگستون; Ловингстон; Lovingston; Lovingston; Lovingston; Lovingston; Lovingston; Лавінгстон; Lovingston; Lovingston; Lovingston; Лавингстон; Lovingston; Lovingston; Lovingston; Lovingston; لاوینگستن (ويرجينيا); luech te i Stac Unii; önkormányzat nélküli statisztikai település Virginia államban; census-designated place; tempat terpilih sensus di Amerika Serikat; jednostka osadnicza w Stanach Zjednoczonych; переписна місцевість, США; nederzetting in Nelson County; アミリカ合衆国ぬ非法人集落; census-designated place statunitense della Virginia; Census-designated place im US-Bundesstaat Virginia; lugar designado por el censo y sede del condado de Nelson en el estado de Virginia, Estados Unidos de América; settlement in Virginia, United States; یک منطقهٔ مسکونی در ویرجینیا در ایالات متحدهٔ آمریکا; popisno odrejeni kraj v ameriški zvezni državi Virginija; ort i Virginia, USA; Lovingston (Virginia); لاوینگستون، ویرجینیا; Lovingston, Virginia; Lovingston, VA</nowiki>
settlement in Virginia, United States
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Instance of
LocationNelson County, Virginia
  • 1809
  • 503 (2020)
  • 10.446314 km²
  • 10.446316 km² (2010)
Elevation above sea level
  • 249 ±1 m
Map37° 45′ 36″ N, 78° 52′ 14.88″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q3475269
VIAF cluster ID: 124435935
Library of Congress authority ID: n88027621
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10042481
J9U ID: 987007567365305171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 18384037
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English: Lovingston is a census-designated place (CDP) in and the county seat of Nelson County, Virginia, United States. The population as of the 2010 Census was 520. Its ZIP Code is 22949. It was among the communities severely affected by flash flooding from Hurricane Camille in 1969.


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