<nowiki>Land of Hope and Glory; 希望與榮耀之土; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; سرزمین امید و افتخار; 希望与光荣的土地; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; 希望と栄光の国; Land of Hope and Glory; 希望與光榮的土地; 希望与光荣的土地; 希望搭榮光个地; 희망과 영광의 땅; Land of Hope and Glory; Земјо на надежта и славата; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Šalie vilties ir šlovės; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; 希望与光荣的土地; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; 希望與光榮的土地; 希望與光榮的土地; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; Land of Hope and Glory; 希望与光荣的土地; Land of Hope and Glory; britanska patriotska pesem, ki jo je uglasbil Edward Elgar, besedilo pa je napisal Arthur Christopher Benson; エドワード・エルガー作曲、アーサー・クリストファー・ベンソン作詞のイギリスの愛国歌; chant patriotique britannique; Brittisk patriotirk sång med musik av Edward Elgar och text av Arthur Christopher Benson; гімн; canción inglesa patriótica; Brits patriottisch lied; hino; hino nacional não-oficial da Inglaterra; eine der Hymnen Englands; laulu; British patriotic song composed by music by Edward Elgar with lyrics by Arthur Christopher Benson; anglalingva kanto pri angla patrioteco; 在爱德华·埃尔加《威风堂堂进行曲》D大调第一进行曲基础上由A·C·本森填词的英国歌曲; patriotinė britų daina; Himno de Inglaterra; Land of Hope and Glory; Terra d'Esperança i Gloria; Nacia himno de Anglio; Lando de espero kaj gloro; Land of Hope and Glory; 希望与荣耀的土地; Land of Hope and Glory</nowiki>
Land of Hope and Glory
British patriotic song composed by music by Edward Elgar with lyrics by Arthur Christopher Benson