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Category:Ladder graphs

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<nowiki>Scala (grafo); Graphe en échelle; драбина; лестница; Leitergraph; létragráf; ladder graph; ŝtupetara grafo; žebřík; ஏணி கோட்டுரு; планарный неориентированный граф с 2n вершинами и n+2(n-1) рёбрами; matematikai fogalom a gráfelméletben; planar undirected graph with 2n vertices and 3n-2 edges; the Cartesian product of two path graphs, one of which has only one edge; планарний неорієнтований граф з 2n вершинами і n+2(n-1) ребрами; grafo planare non orientato avente 2n vertici e 3n-2 spigoli; лестница (теория графов); лестница (граф); граф-драбина</nowiki>
ladder graph 
planar undirected graph with 2n vertices and 3n-2 edges; the Cartesian product of two path graphs, one of which has only one edge
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Subclass of
  • connected graph
  • bipartite graph
  • outerplanar graph
  • squaregraph
  • graceful graph
  • uniquely colorable graph
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Media in category "Ladder graphs"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.