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Category:Klaas Schenk

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<nowiki>Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Клас Шенк; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; Klaas Schenk; pattinatore di velocità neerlandese; patineur de vitesse néerlandais; izotz gaineko abiadura-patinatzailea nederlandarra; nederlandsk skøyteløper og trener; Nederlands schaatser; patinador de velocitat neerlandès; patinador de velocidá neerlandés; patinador de velocidade neerlandês; Dutch speed skater (1906-1993); متزلج سريع هولندي; patinador de velocidade neerlandés; patinador de velocidad neerlandés</nowiki>
Klaas Schenk 
Dutch speed skater (1906-1993)
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Date of birth28 August 1906
Date of death3 April 1993
Den Helder
Country of citizenship
Sports discipline competed in
  • long track speed skating
Authority file
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