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Category:Kis makrancos (Kisfaludi Strobl Zsigmond), Zalaegerszeg

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
English:  : ~The little unruly by Zsigmond Kisfaludi Strobl (1920 fountain statue, nude mother holding her nude son, right leg on a jug. probably trying to bathe her child) on the Park of the Rózsák Square, Zalaegerszeg, Zala County, Hungary.
Magyar:  : Kis makrancos( 1920-ban készült, Kisfaludi Strobl Zsigmond, Szökőkútszobor; Szentesen van a párja) - Zala megye, Zalaegerszeg, Rózsák tere parkjában
Object location46° 50′ 12.09″ N, 16° 50′ 37.37″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

Media in category "Kis makrancos (Kisfaludi Strobl Zsigmond), Zalaegerszeg"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.