Category:Italian paintings in the Royal Castle in Warsaw
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Media in category "Italian paintings in the Royal Castle in Warsaw"
The following 44 files are in this category, out of 44 total.
(Venice) Miracle of the Water by Jacopo Da Ponte - Royal Castle in Warsaw.jpg 9,923 × 6,144; 52.02 MB
Marcovaldo Madonna and Child.jpg 564 × 884; 135 KB
Andrea di nerio, madonna col bambino, 1331 circa (arezzo).JPG 2,946 × 3,300; 4.25 MB
Pontormo Madonna and Child.jpg 1,744 × 2,048; 839 KB
Penni Socrates and Xanthippe.jpg 564 × 771; 95 KB
Fontana Portrait of a redhead girl.jpg 564 × 800; 77 KB
Battistello - Study of a young man half-length.jpg 2,884 × 3,715; 2.29 MB
Tassi Festivities on the coast.jpg 2,048 × 979; 1.66 MB
Roman Baptism of Clorinda.jpg 1,644 × 976; 385 KB
Gherardini St. George and the Dragon.jpg 1,801 × 2,294; 1.35 MB
Vecchia Head of Minerva.jpg 1,240 × 1,832; 1,023 KB
Italian Death of Virginia.jpg 1,020 × 1,405; 414 KB
Italian Hercules.jpg 725 × 972; 425 KB
Volterrano, Cosimo III de' Medici in grand ducal robes (Warsaw Royal Castle).jpg 1,217 × 1,918; 1.84 MB
Pittoni Saint Eustace.jpg 1,099 × 621; 393 KB
Mura Allegory of the power of love.jpg 1,936 × 1,048; 532 KB
Porta Landscape with a river.jpg 1,816 × 1,232; 586 KB
Anonymous Saint Casimir.jpg 564 × 744; 75 KB
Franciszek Michał Rzewuski.png 2,168 × 2,760; 7.34 MB
Rotari Franciszek Michał Rzewuski.jpg 693 × 884; 201 KB
Joli Courtyard.jpg 2,048 × 1,333; 2.27 MB
Batoni Pope Pius VI.jpg 736 × 942; 106 KB
Catherine II by A.Albertrandi after Rokotov.jpg 916 × 1,200; 378 KB
Appiani Kazimierz Rzewuski.jpg 346 × 482; 48 KB
Agostino Tassi, Shipyard.jpg 4,886 × 3,676; 12.48 MB
Agostino Tassi, The Capture of Troy.jpg 3,000 × 2,223; 3.81 MB
Bertucci Julius Caesar receiving the head of Pompey.png 1,668 × 1,678; 4.01 MB
BertucciCesarPompee.jpg 2,389 × 2,400; 1.04 MB
Defendente Ferrari, Madonna lactans, Warsaw.png 1,925 × 2,844; 10.89 MB
Innocente Maraino - Wjazd Ludwika XIV do Vincennes.jpg 1,280 × 722; 291 KB
Jacopo Bassano, The Israelites gathering Water from the Rock.jpg 2,484 × 1,539; 3.18 MB
Kazimierz Rzewuski.png 450 × 630; 549 KB
Lorenzo Bellotto Forum of Nerva in Rome.jpg 2,596 × 2,030; 4.08 MB
Lorenzo Bellotto Part of the Forum of Nerva.jpg 1,502 × 1,230; 165 KB
Marco Zoppo Susanna.jpg 1,300 × 433; 322 KB
Mattia Preti, Game of Backgammon.jpg 2,600 × 1,920; 5.44 MB
Michele Marieschi Canal Grande Palazzo dei Camerlenghi and Campo Erberia.jpg 1,250 × 817; 654 KB
Paolo Uccello, Madonna and Child (Warsaw).jpg 2,676 × 3,967; 9.25 MB
Pietro Rotari - Portret Rzewuskiego.jpg 858 × 1,007; 270 KB
Rossello di Jacopo Franchi - Madonna z Dzieciątkiem adorowana przez anioły.jpg 2,041 × 2,915; 2.42 MB
Sobieski i Maria Kazimiera w strojach tureckich (?).jpg 718 × 476; 149 KB