Category:Inscriptions on the Nike of Paionios

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English: The base, a three-sided column tapering at the top, originally recorded at least two inscriptions. Bronze attachments according to the authors recorded more. The column, however, was rebuilt from tumbled blocks. The current locations of the original inscriptions are not specified, whether in the rebuilt column or in pieces in the museum. The media below show transcriptions or reproductions. They consist of a one or two dedicatory inscriptions and a copy of a land settlement, or krisis. Some break the second dedicatory inscription out into an artistic inscription. The dedicatory, or first dedicatory, states that the Messenians and Naupactians dedicate this statue to Zeus to commemorate a victory, unknown details. The artistic inscription attributes the authorship to Paionios of Mende, winner of a competition. The crisis inscription records the award of intermediate land between Messenia and Sparta to Messenia by the Milesians as mediators (under Roman jurisdiction). The settlement is dated 135 BC.

Media in category "Inscriptions on the Nike of Paionios"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.