Category:Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties

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<nowiki>Pomembna nesnovna ljudska kulturna dediščina Japonske; 重要无形民俗文化财; 重要無形民俗文化財; Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan; 重要无形民俗文化财; 重要无形民俗文化财; 重要無形民俗文化財; Intangible folk cultural properties that people have created and inherited in their daily lives, and which are designated by the Japanese government as particularly important.; قائمة ويكيميديا; 人々が日常生活の中で生み出し継承してきた無形の民俗文化財のうち、特に重要なものとして日本国が指定したもの; nesnovna ljudska kulturna dediščina, ki so jo ustvarili in podedovali ljudje v svojem vsakdanjem življenju in jo je japonska vlada označila za posebej pomembno; 重要非物質民俗文化財產; 重要非物质民俗文化财产; 重要非物质民俗文化财产; 重要非物質民間文化財產; 重要無形民俗文化財產</nowiki>
Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan 
Intangible folk cultural properties that people have created and inherited in their daily lives, and which are designated by the Japanese government as particularly important.
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Instance of
  • heritage designation
  • national inventory of intangible cultural heritage
Subclass of
  • Japan
Applies to jurisdiction
Has part(s)
Start time
  • 4 May 1976
Authority file
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Media in category "Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties"

The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total.