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Category:Horse spotting patterns

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<nowiki>caballo pío; pie; Pelatge clapat; Schecke; pinto horse; 白斑色; Pinto; Pintó; 駁毛; Tsévovó'hásêstse; Pinto; Skäck; Pinto; pinto; pinto; Pinto horse; Pintó; סוס פינטו; Kirjava; pinto horse; أبقع; Ряба масть; Topong; caballos que tienen manchas blancas de distinto tamaño; couleur de robe du cheval tachetée; Pferd, das neben der Grundfarbe klar abgegrenzte weiße Bereiche aufweist; Amerikai foltos szőrű lófajta; horse with coat color that consists of large patches; فرس ذو بقع كبار عراض تخالف لون كسوته; rasa koni; paard; capa pía; caballo pio; capa pia; Barockpinto; Stocktyp Pinto; Pinto horse; Pinto/Pattern; Pinto; pinto coloring; pinto pattern; فرس أبقع; فرس ابقع; فرس أبلق; فرس ابلق; Pinto; robe pie; pintopony</nowiki>
pinto horse 
horse with coat color that consists of large patches
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English: In horses, a conventional distinction is made between "solid" and non-solid phenotypes. "Solid" horses may have small white (leucistic) markings on the face and feet, up to roughly half the head or limb. Horses with white leucistic markings exceeding these limits are generally considered to not be solid, and are called "spotted" or "coloured" depending on the area. They are classed in two main categories:

Leopard Complex (colloquially also known as "Appaloosa spotting") is a group of spotted coat colourations controlled by the Lp and PATN genes (as well as hypothetical but yet unproven additional modifiers), characterized by four unique features:

  • progressive Varnish Roaning, which gradually bleaches the coat except for spots where skin is close to bone, such as joints and the face.
  • hip-centric leucistic patterns that range from ragged specks on the croup to hip blankets to covering the entire horse
  • small, oval coloured spots that are unaffected by the Leopard Complex specific roaning and leucism, but affected by others
  • almost universally present white sclera, striped hooves, and white-speckled skin.

The other category consists of various named leusistic spotting patterns, collectively called pinto (AmE) or pied or piebald/skewbald (BrE):

  • Tobiano, a dominant gene (To) found in a wide range of breeds
  • Frame overo or Lethal white overo (O or LWO), an incomplete dominant that creates spotting when heterozygous, but is lethal when homozygous
  • Splashed White, a group of "bottom-up" patterns. Multiple forms have been described, SW 1 being the most wide-spread.
  • Sabino, a collective name for patterns that consist of tall socks, large face white, typically with ragged edges or heavy roaning. SB-1 is the only recognised "sabino" class mutation. Homozygous Sb-1 can result in a near-white phenotype.
  • Dominant White, a series of more than 30 recognised mutations, most of which are capable of creating fully white or near-white coats even when other leucistic mutations are absent. Some DW mutations cause sabino-type markings when heterozygous.
For practical reasons, please consider all entries in this category and its sub categories to be visual matches only, unless confirmed for genotype in description or other metadata.


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