Category:Holy Guardian Angels church in Szokolya

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Holy Guardian Angels church. Built in (probably) 1894. Local grade listed. Holy mass every sunday 8 AM and first friday of the month 6 PM. Bible circle sessions are given in the community hall behind the church. Member of Kóspallag Parish, Roman Catholic Diocese of Vác - c. 12 Fő Street, Szokolya, Pest County, Hungary.
Szent Őrangyalok-templom (máshol Őrangyalok-templom) Épült (alapítva): 1894[1]. Római katolikus templom és környezete néven helyi védelem alatt, azonosító: +02742 ill. 15028 - Pest megye, Szokolya, Fő utca 12

This is a category about a monument in Hungary. Identifier: 15028

Object location47° 51′ 59.87″ N, 19° 00′ 39.87″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

Media in category "Holy Guardian Angels church in Szokolya"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.