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Category:Hjartåsen stasjon

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Norsk bokmål: Hjartåsen stasjon på Nordlandsbanen
<nowiki>Hjartåsen station; Hjartåsen Station; Hjartåsen stasjon; Station Hjartåsen; gară din Norvegia; gare ferroviaire norvégienne; stasiun kereta api di Norwegia; stacja kolejowa w Norwegii; nedlagt jernbanestasjon i Rana, på strekningen Dunderland–Lønsdal på Nordlandsbanen; voormalig spoorwegstation in Noorwegen; Bahnhof in Norwegen; former railway station in Rana, Norway, on the Dunderland–Lønsdal part of the Nordland Line; محطة قطار في النرويج; station på Nordlandsbanen</nowiki>
Hjartåsen station 
former railway station in Rana, Norway, on the Dunderland–Lønsdal part of the Nordland Line
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Instance of
LocationRana Municipality, Nordland, Norway
  • 10 December 1947
Date of official opening
  • 10 December 1947
Date of official closure
  • 11 June 2006
Elevation above sea level
  • 248 m
Connecting line
Adjacent station
Map66° 29′ 56.05″ N, 14° 57′ 05.54″ E
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Media in category "Hjartåsen stasjon"

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