Category:History of New York City
- Cities in New York State
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- ‒ Central New York
- Auburn
- Ithaca
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- ‒ New York City and Long Island
- New York City
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- 100 most populous cities of the United States
- 1–25
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history of the city in New York, United States | |||||
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This category has the following 100 subcategories, out of 100 total.
- History of Bellevue Hospital (50 F)
- Charles E. Chapin (4 F)
- Curbstone brokers (22 F)
- Dutch New York (1909) (23 F)
- Fifth Avenue Hotel (58 F)
- Greater New York Album (4 F)
- H.B. Claflin & Company (2 F)
- The Holland Society of New York (108 F)
- New York Marble Cemetery (28 F)
- USAir Flight 405 (8 F)
- Voorlezer's House (4 F)
- Wall Street in History (49 F)
Pages in category "History of New York City"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "History of New York City"
The following 181 files are in this category, out of 181 total.
105 Allen Street - 3-14-05.jpg 253 × 444; 36 KB
Allard -Totius Neobelgii Nova et Accuratissima Tabula (Detail).png 2,659 × 1,053; 5.92 MB
17 William England - Wall Street, New York.jpg 3,825 × 3,844; 17.54 MB
George Henry Remsen.jpg 450 × 588; 96 KB
18 William England - Broadway, New York.jpg 2,978 × 3,245; 14.72 MB
1912 Perkins Marine Lamp Employees.jpg 4,286 × 2,957; 12.96 MB
28 William England - The quay, New York.jpg 2,976 × 3,005; 11.12 MB
36 William England - New York from Trinity Church.jpg 4,042 × 3,817; 18.41 MB
39 William England - Barnum's museum, New York.jpg 4,005 × 4,170; 17.46 MB
41 William England - Atlantic telegraph jubilee on Broadway, New York.jpg 3,713 × 4,272; 20.88 MB
42 William England - Floating baths, New York.jpg 3,722 × 4,182; 21.07 MB
43 William England - Ferry boats in the bay, New York.jpg 3,717 × 3,966; 16.76 MB
Accession Number- 1977-0144-0008MP (2786855673).jpg 1,000 × 606; 76 KB
Accession Number- 1977-0144-0011MP (2786851715).jpg 616 × 1,000; 78 KB
Accession Number- 1977-0144-0018MP (2786856623).jpg 1,000 × 608; 71 KB
Accession Number- 1977-0144-0042MP (2786855167).jpg 1,000 × 624; 98 KB
Accession Number- 1977-0144-0050MP (2786858789).jpg 609 × 1,000; 85 KB
Andrew H Green bench sign jeh.jpg 2,192 × 2,784; 1.31 MB
Anthony P. Damato and fellow Marines, 1943 (5693738910).jpg 924 × 1,016; 83 KB
Astorialic logo small.jpg 262 × 116; 48 KB
Blackwells Island East River 1862 crop.jpg 674 × 477; 91 KB
BoweryHouseLobby.jpg 960 × 641; 86 KB
BoweryHouseStairs.jpg 512 × 768; 57 KB
Bryant Park and Hippodrome Theater,1905.webm 49 s, 480 × 360; 2.86 MB
Café at the Hotel Metropole in New York.jpg 689 × 550; 71 KB
Caron 5456220470 9eddf71f69 o (cropped).jpg 245 × 298; 43 KB
Caron 5456220470 9eddf71f69 o.jpg 466 × 536; 158 KB
Charter, constitution, by-laws, officers, committees (IA charterconstitut02soci).pdf 685 × 902, 72 pages; 2.28 MB
Church of St. Mary the Virgin (Manhattan) 1905.webm 17 s, 480 × 360; 1.16 MB
City History Club of New York-logo.png 518 × 516; 92 KB
Coney Island and the Jews (IA coneyislandjews00newy).pdf 1,091 × 1,693, 54 pages; 3.29 MB
The centennial history of New York City - from the discovery to the present day (IA cu31924080782059).pdf 843 × 1,225, 262 pages; 11.48 MB
Curb market at Broad Street 1902.jpg 2,026 × 682; 854 KB
DayGlo1.jpg 1,504 × 980; 2.31 MB
Dutch Empire 2.png 1,357 × 628; 33 KB
Dutch in the Americas.png 726 × 726; 40 KB
Dutch Treat Club 859538d5e3.jpg 500 × 365; 75 KB
Dyckman St Bway Riverside Dr td (2019-04-27) 02 - Juan Rodriguez Way.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 3.22 MB
El viajero ilustrado, 1878 602134 (3811376680).jpg 1,785 × 1,176; 610 KB
Ellis Island, New York - NARA - 6235189.jpg 3,150 × 2,408; 1.59 MB
Fort Hamilton Community Club.jpg 2,032 × 1,524; 1.09 MB
FrancisPBlair-small.png 254 × 304; 116 KB
FWPNW026Miscellaneous1523B.jpg 694 × 471; 100 KB
George A. Jarvis (cropped).tif 310 × 372; 66 KB
George A. Jarvis.tif 562 × 562; 143 KB
George F. Nesbitt - Stationer and Printer 1991.077.0059-verso-detail.jpg 1,024 × 815; 256 KB
George Washington Martin II.jpg 512 × 640; 260 KB
Gezichten op het eiland Amsterdam, RP-P-1904-636.jpg 4,090 × 6,230; 3.16 MB
Gianttickertape.jpg 1,280 × 960; 271 KB
Giving out ice in Astoria 3.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.22 MB
A view of Fort George with the city of New York, from the SW (NYPL Hades-118568-54695).tif 4,820 × 3,821; 52.7 MB
Hauseltad.jpg 350 × 170; 25 KB
Here Grows New York - official film poster.jpg 1,920 × 926; 308 KB
Herman Wunder, Brooklyn, New York (N. Y.), 722 Fulton Street; W. Faulkner 1899 I.jpg 2,687 × 4,152; 12.58 MB
Historical images of New York City.jpg 5,021 × 6,185; 20.27 MB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518653.jpg 1,010 × 1,536; 374 KB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518656.jpg 997 × 1,536; 382 KB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518663.jpg 1,013 × 1,536; 389 KB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518665.jpg 1,002 × 1,536; 391 KB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518667.jpg 1,007 × 1,536; 384 KB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518670.jpg 1,003 × 1,536; 368 KB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518673.jpg 1,006 × 1,536; 386 KB
History of civic services in the city of New York LCCN98518675.jpg 991 × 1,536; 371 KB
History of the town of Flushing, Long Island, New York (IA historyoftownoff00wall).pdf 818 × 1,170, 310 pages; 10.9 MB
Horatio Seymour - Brady-Handysmall.jpg 398 × 450; 37 KB
Horatio Seymour - Brady-Handysmall.png 398 × 450; 151 KB
Hudson Valley Map Detail Nova Belgica Et Anglia Nova c1634.jpg 2,755 × 1,655; 1.77 MB
Immigrant Children, Ellis Island, New York - NARA - 6341034.jpg 3,150 × 2,517; 2.81 MB
Insignia of 11th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment.jpg 350 × 298; 25 KB
Isaac Fowler.jpg 367 × 565; 49 KB
JamesRDoolittle.png 1,148 × 1,408; 1.18 MB
Jerome Myers - East 22nd Street, New York - Google Art Project.jpg 4,001 × 3,122; 2.11 MB
L'Arrive du Prince Quillaume Henry a Nouvelle York (NYPL Hades-1785675-1650660).jpg 5,364 × 4,024; 18.2 MB
A landmark history of New York; also the origin of street names and a bibliography (IA landmarkhistoryo00ulmas).pdf 729 × 1,091, 328 pages; 16.89 MB
LangstonHughes crop.jpg 935 × 1,168; 598 KB
Lantern Slide of Hester Street, New York City - NARA - 3854683.jpg 600 × 822; 169 KB
Laws and Ordinances for New York, printed by Samuel Loudon.jpg 587 × 1,001; 116 KB
Lewis Hallam Jr.gif 127 × 157; 15 KB
Lookoutfort.jpg 1,186 × 742; 278 KB
Thompson and Bleecker Streets by George Benjamin Luks.jpg 720 × 494; 71 KB
Madison Cottage noborder.jpg 630 × 404; 55 KB
Madison Cottage.jpg 708 × 551; 157 KB
Maerschalck map of New York City.jpg 8,396 × 4,538; 33.91 MB
Manhattan from above Hudson River.jpg 1,750 × 1,150; 536 KB
Manual of the corporation of the city of New York (1857) (14577027960).jpg 2,960 × 1,312; 933 KB
Mose and Lize.jpg 500 × 351; 35 KB
Mrs Thomas Hastings coach Colony Club.jpg 5,760 × 4,204; 2.52 MB
Mulberry Bend Park New York City.jpg 551 × 348; 46 KB
New Amsterdam lately New York retaken by the Netherlanders on 24 Aug 1673.jpg 2,500 × 595; 488 KB
New York 1776 (maritime journal of Robert Raymond) 092631.jpg 1,968 × 1,227; 1.45 MB
New York woodcut 1876.jpg 920 × 666; 531 KB
New York, New York LCCN2005693207.jpg 1,536 × 1,021; 339 KB
New York as an eighteenth century municipality, 1731-1776 (IA newyorkaseightee00edwaiala).pdf 850 × 1,375, 248 pages; 9.77 MB
Nieuw Amsterdam ofte nue Nieuw Iorx opt't Eylant Man (titel op object), NG-28.jpg 6,186 × 4,963; 2.87 MB
Noon in East Side factory district, New York, 1912.jpg 976 × 679; 110 KB
NYC Flag Alternative.jpg 500 × 300; 5 KB
NYC Manhattan 1938 Franz Grasser.jpg 1,088 × 1,600; 619 KB
NYC Reference Map ACC 6027.tif 2,849 × 4,016; 2.2 MB
The cabinet (NYPL b11707960-G91F107 011B).tiff 3,965 × 6,144; 69.71 MB
L'Arrive du Prince Quillaume Henry a Nouvelle York (NYPL Hades-1090700-psnypl prn 971).tiff 7,230 × 5,428; 112.28 MB
Old post office New York LCCN2003681537.jpg 5,022 × 6,316; 4.99 MB
Overvolle New Yorkse straat, ca 1900, SFA001008785.jpg 2,842 × 2,300; 1.1 MB
Plaque on the building at 2 Fifth Avenue in honor of Minetta Creek.jpg 2,731 × 1,137; 701 KB
Powelson, Gustavus A. - Greenwich Street Hochbahn (Zeno Fotografie).jpg 2,536 × 1,979; 509 KB
Praatje voor de luisteraars in Amerika.wav 5 min 37 s; 63.81 MB
Rapelyea House or White Cottage New York City 1870.jpeg 300 × 203; 18 KB
Rapelyea House or White Cottage New York City1 1870.jpeg 760 × 514; 110 KB
Remains of Cock Hill Fort (1858).jpg 618 × 388; 124 KB
Rice Yacht Alberta full.jpg 1,061 × 686; 157 KB
Rosencrown.jpg 320 × 213; 22 KB
Rynda1883-1922NewYork.jpg 1,600 × 1,250; 538 KB
Sam Schepps 2949637492 631790a5b0 o.jpg 5,741 × 4,135; 4.05 MB
Sam Schepps in 1912 - (cropped).jpg 1,886 × 2,515; 705 KB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 1 December 1794 (624861c0-3f0f-4006-8d11-d6f6c891a224).jpg 6,277 × 4,133; 10.84 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 1 December 1794 (9ab55247-9dc8-49da-bc61-ed9a2d9b569a).jpg 6,286 × 4,138; 10.08 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 1 March 1795 (a3ed12c9-b739-4b37-94ae-ca4b441a2e03).jpg 6,376 × 4,156; 9.85 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 1 March 1795 (a677d432-9243-444d-a565-1a8532d32988).jpg 6,355 × 4,142; 10.99 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 13 February 1795 (c079a0f2-c469-46d4-bdf4-823afa37147d).jpg 6,348 × 4,124; 10.18 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 13 February 1795 (cea09f44-c21e-44e9-8d53-1b0849126f9a).jpg 6,354 × 4,128; 10.53 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 14 December 1794 (818991e0-5796-486c-8569-548a19cebc0d).jpg 6,336 × 4,106; 11.25 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 14 December 1794 (942049f7-464b-4310-8e4c-3bc6b59858d6).jpg 6,332 × 4,128; 11.58 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 15 March 1795 (21362310-8925-42fa-a40b-b3cc0b8f081a).jpg 6,360 × 4,153; 11.14 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 15 March 1795 (fa129884-c945-4de1-9949-833b109d8690).jpg 6,344 × 4,126; 9.82 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 18 February 1795 (9c2cfab2-55f9-44e7-943c-dfe1a6677360).jpg 6,336 × 4,140; 10.51 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 18 February 1795 (d99e736f-2b68-4126-9800-12b4d2d58dcd).jpg 6,321 × 4,117; 11.53 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 18 November 1794 (6e5686bc-389e-490e-9bff-fba1d45b1e32).jpg 6,293 × 4,141; 10.57 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 27 December 1794 (33a941dd-54cc-460e-b5ac-3ca64937e77c).jpg 6,347 × 4,138; 10.36 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 27 December 1794 (b5c928b2-3823-408f-858c-4b41a8e679fc).jpg 6,339 × 4,140; 10.47 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 4 December 1794 (790a25fd-a900-4f3d-adc4-95de90099ddc).jpg 6,329 × 4,133; 10.65 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 5 February 1795 (b7eb0fc3-e849-48f8-9e08-2233826c6519).jpg 6,336 × 4,112; 10.28 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 5 February 1795 (c58c6e3c-b568-4125-85b2-a3dcbd1c4601).jpg 6,324 × 4,126; 10.02 MB
Samuel Bartlett to Peleg Wadsworth, 8 November 1794 (1ddc63e8-d97b-4f26-93f6-bb8223057c8c).jpg 6,309 × 4,128; 11.41 MB
SarahRapaljeTankard.jpg 959 × 1,137; 245 KB
Show world token new york city.JPG 9,666 × 4,680; 1.81 MB
South west view of Fort George with the City of New York (NYPL NYPG94-F149-419976).jpg 3,904 × 2,936; 4.18 MB
Steve Brodie's bar.jpg 315 × 237; 13 KB
Stork Club Blessed Event Room.jpg 1,076 × 607; 202 KB
Strike 2990272474 524b6f4c0d o.jpg 5,766 × 4,191; 3.2 MB
The American annual of photography (1911) (14780308231).jpg 2,237 × 2,885; 2.01 MB
Throwback Thursday (11451597944).jpg 904 × 592; 575 KB
Trinity Church - Lutheran (1729-1776), Broadway, New York City.png 332 × 419; 254 KB
Tug P.R.R. No. 9.jpg 740 × 506; 66 KB
Uniformen New Yorker Bürgerwehr um 1850.jpg 1,025 × 1,363; 256 KB
Unsuccessful 1868.jpg 337 × 449; 36 KB
Up in the Old Hotel.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 1.36 MB
Vallon 5248624371 1a82f71dc7 o.jpg 4,210 × 5,767; 9.18 MB
Vicinity-of-wards-point-site.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 4.5 MB
Wenzel, Edward - Das Dyckman Haus (Zeno Fotografie).jpg 2,536 × 1,965; 485 KB
Wenzel, Edward - Das Jumel Herrenhaus (Zeno Fotografie).jpg 2,536 × 1,971; 491 KB
Wenzel, Edward - Der Harlem Fluss (Zeno Fotografie).jpg 2,536 × 1,981; 422 KB
Wenzel, Edward - Eingang zum Mount Morris Park (Zeno Fotografie).jpg 2,536 × 1,975; 465 KB
Wenzel, Edward - Obere Fifth Avenue (Zeno Fotografie).jpg 2,536 × 1,945; 632 KB
White Horse Tavern (New York City) 2007.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.93 MB
Whitey lewis.jpg 694 × 1,000; 402 KB
Yankee-ferry.jpg 750 × 562; 255 KB