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English: A herma, commonly in English herm (pl. hermai or hermae) is a sculpture with a head and perhaps a torso, above a plain, usually squared lower section, on which male genitals may also be carved at the appropriate height. The head originally represented the Greek god Hermes, but afterwards of other gods and distinguished people. The form originated in Ancient Greece, and was adopted by the Romans, and revived at the Renaissance in the form of terminal figures. More info
See also: Termini, Fascinum and Tintinnabulum.
Deutsch: Hermen
Español: Hermas
Français : Hermès
한국어: 헤르마
<nowiki>herma; herma; герма; Herma; Herme; герма; Հերմա; Херма; herma; Herma; ヘルメー; herm; הרמה; herma; herma; Herme; 헤르마; герма; hermo; herma; எர்ம்; erma; герма; hermès; Germa; herma; ἑρμῆς; hermi; герма; گەرما; germa; herme; herma; گەرما; herma; herme; herma; herma; Герма; herma; ประติมากรรมเฉพาะหัว; герма; herma; herme; Herma; herma; germa; 方柱形胸像; Herm; herma; هيرما; Ερμές; Herma; tipo di busto; type de buste; в античности - четырёхгранный столб, завершенный скульптурной головой.; bildhafter Pfeilerschaft mit aufgesetztem Kopf und Schultern; pilar quadrado ou retangular esculpido em pedra, terracota ou bronze sobre o qual havia uma cabeça; fritstående støtte, der foroven ender i et hoved; Antik Yunan'da yapılan bir heykel tarzı; pilar quadrado ou retangular esculpido em pedra, terracota ou bronze sobre o qual havia uma cabeça; Staty i form av en stele med huvud, ibland med torso eller fallos; architektoniczny element dekoracyjny; type Grieks godenbeeld; tipo de busto; veistos, jossa on fallos ja Hermeen pää; type of sculpture with a head and often a torso above a plain lower section, often with male genitals; speco de skulptaĵo; typ sochy s hlavou; ஒரு கற்கம்பத்தின் உச்சியில் மனித தலை கொண்டதாக, பெரும்பாலும் மார்பளவு சிலை கொண்டதாகவும் அதன் கீழ் பகுதியில் ஆண் குறியுடன் கூடிய சிற்ப வகை; Hermai; herma; hermai; buste en Hermès; terme; Herme; Herma; Hermai; Hermae; Herms; Herme; erme; hermae; Гермы; Герма.; Hermai; Doppelherme; Karyatidherme; 헤름; herm; hermae; hermes; herms; ἑρμαῖ; Герма –; ஹெர்ம்</nowiki>
type of sculpture with a head and often a torso above a plain lower section, often with male genitals
herm of Demosthenes from the Athenian Agora, work by Polyeuktos, c. 280 BC, Glyptothek
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  • genre of sculpture
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Depictshuman head, sex organ and rectangular cuboid
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Media in category "Hermai"

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