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Category:Havis Amanda

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<nowiki>Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda (estàtua); Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Фантан Хавіс Аманда; هاویس آماندا; 哈维斯·阿曼达; Havis Amanda; ハヴィス・アマンダ; Хавис Аманда; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; نافورة هافيس اماندا; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Хавіс-Аманда; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; Havis Amanda; scultura a Helsinki; célèbre statue de nu féminin, œuvre de Ville Vallgren, érigée sur la place du Marché d'Helsinki, en Finlande; skulptur vid Salutorget i Helsingfors skapad 1906 i brons av Ville Vallgren; פסל; sculptuur van Ville Vallgren; Skulptur in Finnland; veistos Helsingissä; bronze sculpture in Helsinki, created 1906 by Ville Vallgren; منحوتة; نافوره فى فينلاندا; fontano kaj statuo en Helsinko, Finnlando; Haaviston Manta; Manta; Manta; Haaviston Manta; Haaviston Manta; Haaviston Manta</nowiki>
Havis Amanda 
bronze sculpture in Helsinki, created 1906 by Ville Vallgren
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Instance of
Part of
  • Helsinki Market Square with enclosing buildings
Made from material
Street address
  • Salutorget, 00170 Helsingfors
Architectural style
  • 1906
  • 1908
  • 5 m
Map60° 10′ 03.27″ N, 24° 57′ 05.4″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q523268
BabelNet ID: 00589838n
OpenStreetMap node ID: 1376320186
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English: Havis Amanda is a statue in Helsinki, Finland sculpted by Ville Vallgren in 1906.
Suomi: Havis Amanda on Ville Vallgrenin vuonna 1906 veistämä pronssipatsas ja suihkulähde Helsingissä Kauppatorin laidalla

Media in category "Havis Amanda"

The following 145 files are in this category, out of 145 total.