Category:Grabstätte der Primus-Opfer

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Area for the victims of the Primus-Catastrophe (collision between paddle steamer „Primus“ and ocean tug „Hansa“ on Elbe river in 1902) at Friedhof Ohlsdorf, located map U 30 / U 31 (north of chapel 10). The central monument was created in 1904 by German architect Wilhelm Cordes (plinth) and German sculptor Carl Friedrich Echtermeier (sculpture).
Details: Barbara Leisner, Heiko K. L. Schulze, Ellen Thormann: Der Hamburger Hauptfriedhof Ohlsdorf. Geschichte und Grabmäler, Verlag Hans Christians, Hamburg 1990, page 8, Kat. 4, as well as and hamburg-bildarchiv (historic photo of 1906).