Category:Government buildings in Bakersfield, California
- 100 most populous cities of the United States
- 1–25
- Austin
- Boston
- Charlotte
- Chicago
- Columbus
- Dallas
- Houston
- Indianapolis
- Los Angeles
- Nashville
- New York City
- Oklahoma City
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix
- Portland
- San Antonio
- San Francisco
- Seattle
- Washington, D.C.
- 26–50
- Albuquerque
- Arlington
- Atlanta
- Bakersfield
- Kansas City
- Las Vegas
- Miami
- Milwaukee
- Minneapolis
- Raleigh
- Sacramento
- Tulsa
- 51–75
- Cincinnati
- Durham
- Greensboro
- Honolulu
- Newark
- New Orleans
- Pittsburgh
- Saint Paul
- St. Louis
- Tampa
- 76–100
- Baton Rouge
- Buffalo
- Fort Wayne
- Madison
- Reno
- Richmond
Media in category "Government buildings in Bakersfield, California"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
2009-0726-CA-Bakersfield-PO.jpg 3,648 × 2,256; 5.27 MB
2011 Bakersfield Development Services Building.JPG 2,711 × 1,520; 1.26 MB
2011 Kern County Hall of Records.JPG 3,008 × 2,000; 2.68 MB
Kern County Courthouse (1912).jpg 1,940 × 1,520; 890 KB
2009-0820-WeedpatchCamp-LibPO.jpg 2,526 × 1,764; 3.02 MB