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<nowiki>Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Глаухау; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Глаухау; 格劳豪; 格劳豪; Glauchau; Glauchau; Глаухау; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Hłuchow; Glauchau; Glauhava; Glauchau; Глаухау; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; 格劳豪; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; غلاوخاو; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Глаухау; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; قلاوخاو; Glauchau; Glauchau; Глаухау; Глаухау; Գլաուխաու; 格劳豪; Glauchau; გლაუხაუ; グラウハ; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; גלאשאו; Глаухау; گلاوشاو; Glauchau; Глаухау; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Гляўхаў; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glaucha; Глаухау; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Глаухау; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Glauchau; Γκλάουχαου; Glauchau; chemun de la Germania; település Németországban; мястэчка ў Саксоніі (Нямеччына); город в округе Цвиккау, Саксония; město w Sakskej; komunë në Gjermani; 德国萨克森州市镇; Bajarekî Almanyayê; lungsod; miasto w Niemczech; עיר בגרמניה; gemeente in Saksen; Große Kreisstadt im Landkreis Zwickau, Sachsen, Deutschland; commune allemande; localidad de Sajonia, en Alemania; town in Saxony, Germany; komunumo de Saksio en Germanio; sídlo ve spolkové zemi Sasko v Německu; Grande città circondariale tedesca; Große Kreisstadt Glauchau; グラウヒャウ; ザクセン州; グラウハウ</nowiki>
town in Saxony, Germany
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Instance of
  • Greater district town
  • urban municipality in Germany
LocationZwickau, Saxony, Germany
  • 21,807 (2023)
  • 51.62 km² (2017)
Elevation above sea level
  • 266 m
official website
Map50° 49′ 24″ N, 12° 32′ 40″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q20071
VIAF cluster ID: 139668441
GND ID: 4244876-1
Library of Congress authority ID: n88266141
NL CR AUT ID: ge1033249
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10037997
J9U ID: 987007564911305171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 417028
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Glauchau is a city in rural district Zwickau in Saxony, Germany.


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Media in category "Glauchau"

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