These works or works by this artist or publisher may not be in the public domain, because the artist is still living or has not been dead for at least 70 years. Please do not upload photographs or scans of works by this artist, unless they meet one of the following exceptions:
<nowiki>Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Ginés Parra; Gínes Parra; Ginés Parra; pintor español; স্পেনীয় চিত্রশিল্পী; peintre espagnol; Hispaania maalikunstnik; margolari espainiarra; pintor español (1896–1960); pintor espanyol; pintor espanhol; Spanish painter; نقاش اسپانیایی; pictor spaniol; İspanyol ressam (1896 – 1960); piktor spanjoll; אמן ספרדי; Spaans kunstschilder (1896-1960); رسام إسباني; pintor español; pittore spagnolo; péintéir Spáinneach; Spanish painter (1896-1960); Spanish painter; livour spagnol; pintor spaño; Gines Parra; Gines Parra; José Antonio Ramón Parra Menchón; José Parra Menchón; Juan Antonio Parra; Gines Parra; José Antonio Parra Menchón; Gienes Parra; Jose Antonio Ramon Parra Menchon; Jose Parra Menchon; Jose Antonio Parra Menchon; Gines Parra; Gines Parra; José Antonio Ramón Parra Menchón; José Parra Menchón; Gienes Parra; Juan Antonio Parra; José Antonio Parra Menchón</nowiki>