Category:Flora of Trentino-South Tyrol in April
This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Flora of Trentino-South Tyrol in April"
The following 66 files are in this category, out of 66 total.
Ajuga genevensis 01.jpg 2,832 × 3,776; 4.83 MB
Ajuga genevensis 02.jpg 3,506 × 2,629; 3.47 MB
Alliaria petiolata Paludi 01.jpg 2,914 × 3,884; 8.64 MB
Alliaria petiolata Paludi 02.jpg 3,869 × 2,902; 6.77 MB
Alliaria petiolata Paludi 03.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.42 MB
Alliaria petiolata Paludi 04.jpg 3,600 × 2,700; 4.99 MB
Alliaria petiolata Paludi 05.jpg 3,658 × 2,744; 4.3 MB
Alliaria petiolata Paludi 06.jpg 3,558 × 2,668; 4.7 MB
Anemonoides trifolia 01.jpg 3,820 × 2,866; 5.47 MB
Anemonoides trifolia 02.jpg 3,768 × 2,826; 4.32 MB
Anemonoides trifolia 03.jpg 2,110 × 2,814; 2.68 MB
Anemonoides trifolia 04.jpg 3,710 × 2,782; 4.58 MB
Antirrhinum majus Piazzo 01.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.81 MB
Antirrhinum majus Piazzo 02.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 5 MB
Antirrhinum majus Piazzo 03.jpg 3,736 × 2,802; 4.52 MB
Antirrhinum majus Piazzo 04.jpg 3,646 × 2,734; 4.27 MB
Antirrhinum majus Piazzo 05.jpg 2,156 × 2,874; 2.96 MB
Barbarea vulgaris 01.jpg 3,672 × 4,896; 7.64 MB
Barbarea vulgaris 02.jpg 3,672 × 4,896; 8.64 MB
Barbarea vulgaris 03.jpg 4,683 × 3,512; 6.37 MB
Barbarea vulgaris 04.jpg 4,713 × 3,535; 7.58 MB
Catalpa sp gems 01.jpg 3,716 × 2,786; 3.74 MB
Catalpa sp gems 02.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.31 MB
Catalpa sp gems 03.jpg 2,854 × 3,804; 4 MB
Chelidonium majus Piazzo 01.jpg 3,672 × 4,896; 8.48 MB
Chelidonium majus Piazzo 02.jpg 3,672 × 4,896; 9.51 MB
Echium vulgare Paludi 04.jpg 3,604 × 2,704; 8.63 MB
Echium vulgare Paludi 05.jpg 3,740 × 2,806; 8.61 MB
Echium vulgare Paludi 06.jpg 3,216 × 2,412; 5.68 MB
Glechoma hederacea Paludi 01.jpg 3,120 × 2,341; 2.77 MB
Glechoma hederacea Paludi 02.jpg 3,080 × 2,310; 3.1 MB
Glechoma hederacea Paludi 03.jpg 2,450 × 3,266; 3.46 MB
Glechoma hederacea Paludi 04.jpg 3,660 × 2,744; 4.42 MB
Lamium orvala Sant'Agata 01.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 6.5 MB
Lamium orvala Sant'Agata 02.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.86 MB
Lamium orvala Sant'Agata 03.jpg 4,000 × 2,552; 4.34 MB
Lamium orvala Sant'Agata 04.jpg 3,688 × 2,766; 5.1 MB
Lamium orvala Sant'Agata 05.jpg 3,704 × 2,778; 5.09 MB
Lamium orvala Sant'Agata 06.jpg 3,828 × 2,872; 5.23 MB
Lathyrus vernus 01.jpg 3,892 × 2,920; 6.34 MB
Lathyrus vernus 02.jpg 3,656 × 2,742; 5.68 MB
Lathyrus vernus, flowers.jpg 3,070 × 2,303; 3.14 MB
Ornithogalum Piazzo.jpg 3,594 × 2,696; 2.69 MB
Oxalis acetosella Rio Carpine 01.jpg 3,606 × 2,704; 3.97 MB
Oxalis acetosella Rio Carpine 02.jpg 3,745 × 2,808; 4.9 MB
Oxalis acetosella Rio Carpine 03.jpg 3,084 × 2,314; 3.22 MB
Oxalis acetosella Rio Carpine 04.jpg 3,388 × 2,542; 3.74 MB
Oxalis acetosella Rio Carpine 05.jpg 3,460 × 2,594; 3.86 MB
Oxalis acetosella Rio Carpine 06.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.07 MB
Petasites albus 2 RF.jpg 2,667 × 3,130; 2.02 MB
Petasites albus RF.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.96 MB
Potentilla sp, Paludi 01.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.77 MB
Potentilla sp, Paludi 02.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.01 MB
Potentilla sp, Paludi 03.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.88 MB
Ranunculus sp Piazzo 01.jpg 3,636 × 2,726; 3.86 MB
Ranunculus sp Piazzo 02.jpg 3,546 × 2,660; 4.31 MB
Sedum dasyphyllum Cantilaga 01.jpg 3,384 × 2,538; 6.59 MB
Sedum dasyphyllum Cantilaga 02.jpg 3,794 × 2,846; 8.65 MB
Sedum dasyphyllum Cantilaga 03.jpg 3,372 × 2,528; 4.94 MB
Sedum dasyphyllum Cantilaga 04.jpg 3,218 × 2,414; 5.79 MB
Taraxacum officinale, tripla fasciazione.jpg 3,672 × 4,896; 8.2 MB
Tulipani gialli Piazzo.jpg 4,030 × 3,023; 5.61 MB
Vaccinium corymbosum Piazzo 01.jpg 3,352 × 2,514; 3.52 MB
Vaccinium corymbosum Piazzo 02.jpg 3,482 × 2,612; 3.97 MB
Viola sp Paludi 01.jpg 3,473 × 2,604; 3.75 MB
Viola sp Paludi 02.jpg 3,074 × 2,305; 3.3 MB