Category:Flora of North Florida
This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Flora of North Florida"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
06-08-16 LobeliaCardinalisIR.jpg 1,200 × 440; 216 KB
07-03AmericanBeechFL.jpg 1,200 × 900; 337 KB
07-04PPolypodioidesMichauxiana.jpg 1,200 × 978; 407 KB
April Oak - panoramio.jpg 2,000 × 1,324; 426 KB
ArundinariaGiganteaMar03.jpg 1,321 × 1,200; 93 KB
BotrychiumLunarioidesMar03.jpg 825 × 853; 143 KB
CAmericanaMar03.jpg 858 × 1,200; 211 KB
CorallorhizaWisterianaGdsdn.jpg 668 × 1,000; 66 KB
EpidMagnoliae30Jun03.jpg 516 × 679; 64 KB
GordoniaLasianthus21Jun03.jpg 1,200 × 927; 137 KB
LkJacksonLotusAug2006.jpg 1,408 × 1,056; 101 KB
LSulphureus16Jul03GdsdnCoFL.jpg 699 × 1,000; 132 KB
SabatiaDodecendra 05-07-29.jpg 963 × 947; 146 KB
SarraceniaPurpurea05-07-29.jpg 1,200 × 987; 329 KB