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<nowiki>Dunya (Islam); দুনিয়া; dunya; Dunjaluk; дунья; Донъя (Ислам); Dunya; Dynjaja; дуњалук; dunja; dunya; дунья; Dunjejo; Dunya; Dunya; Дунья; Dunjaluk; Дунё; Dunya; dunya; ਦੁਨੀਆ; dunya; الدنيا; дуњалак; Dunjaluk; fizični svet v islamu; Muslimskt begrepp för den fysiska världen; العالم المادي من منظور الإسلام; temporal life in the physical world within Islam; увесь вакольны матэрыяльны сьвет у ісламе; Dunia; Dounia; Dounya; this world in Islam; life in Islam; temporal life in Islam; دنيا; الحياة الدنيا; Dunia; Dunajluk</nowiki>
temporal life in the physical world within Islam
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Instance of
Main subject
  • ubudiyya
Connects with
  • ad-dīn
Has use
Has part(s)
  • sky in Islam
Religion or worldview
Followed by
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Said to be the same asthis world
Authority file
Wikidata Q1266334
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2019004909
National Library of Spain ID: XX530995
BabelNet ID: 02816628n
DOI: 10.1163/1875-3922_DQU_SIM_000596
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العربية: الدنيا؛ الحياة الدنيا
English: Dunya

Media in category "Dunya"

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