Category:Duich Moss

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Duich Moss is a bog on the right bank of the Duich River favored by the endangered White-fronted Goose. Since 1993 it has been a National Nature Reserve (NNR) as designated by the Scottish National Heritage. By agreement with the owner, Laggan Estate, no peat will be cut there. The previous agreement (1987) honored Britain's treaty obligation to the European Union (EU) by supporting its designation as a Special Protection Area according to the 1979 EC Birds Directive in favor of the goose. That flawed agreement with the Estate allowed cutting of some peat by the Scottish Malt Distilleries (now United Distilleries) at Torra. It proved impossible to drain and cut in one area without a disaster to the whole. The bog dried and burned entirely. The NCC found another place to mine peat. The new agreement provides for the blocking of drains, raising the water table, and restoration of the bog. The area is defined by the Laggan river to the north, the Duich River to the south, route A846 on the west, and route B8016 on the east.

Media in category "Duich Moss"

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