Category:Diseases and disorders of Gleditsia triacanthos
Media in category "Diseases and disorders of Gleditsia triacanthos"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
20120531 brno 3767.JPG 3,088 × 2,056; 2.01 MB
20120531 brno 3769.JPG 3,088 × 2,056; 1.84 MB
Dasineura gleditchiae 01.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 3.52 MB
Unripe honey locust pods.jpg 1,864 × 1,016; 274 KB
Škola20120514 2051.JPG 3,088 × 2,056; 1.99 MB
Škola20120514 2053u.JPG 1,068 × 1,332; 458 KB
Škola20120514 2056.JPG 3,088 × 2,056; 1.75 MB