Category:Cycladic collections in the Archaeological Museum of Milos

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Early Cycladic cultures, mostly Early Bronze Age (EC I-II, 3200-2300 BC):

Grotta-Pelos culture (Early Cycladic I period, or from end of the Late Neolothic), on Milos 3200-2500 BC (or 3400-2600 BC)

Keros-Syros culture (Early Cycladic II period), on Milos 2500-2300 BC (or 2600-2300 BC)

Phylakopi I (Early Cycladic III period), on Milos 2300-2000 BC (to end of Early Bronze Age = to end of Early Cycladic period)

(See also in Colin Renfrew: The Emergence of Civilization. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium BC. Oxford 2011, p. 150.)

Middle Cycladic culture on Milos:

Phylakopi II (Middle Cycladic Age), from 2000 to 1550 (or 1650) BC, gradually growing the Minoan influence

Late Cycladic culture on Milos = Phylakopi III (Late Cycladic Age), from 1550 to 1100 (or 1650-1300) BC:

Phylakopi III/1 (Late Cycladic I period), strong Minoan influence

Phylakopi III/2 (Late Cycladic II period), Mycenaean influence

(In the early 13th century BC occupy the city Achaians. Mycenaean culture reigns here, almost ending Cycladic motifs, Late Helladic III period.)