Category:Creator templates with Wikidata link: item missing linkback

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Conditions that a page has to meet to be added here

Please add the data to Wikidata.

How to refresh the category, 5 ways
  • Use Pywikibot/ using -lang:commons -family:commons -cat:Creator_templates_with_Wikidata_link:_item_missing_P1472 -pt:5 command.
  • Go to PAWS page. Login, click "new" and "terminal" than run " touch -cat:Creator_templates_with_Wikidata_link:_item_missing_linkback" command
  • Use AWB to add empty lines on the end of the page. That performs an edit which resets the page, but is not visible in edit history.
  • Do empty edits to each page: edit and save without changing anything.
  • Wait
Three ways to create Quick_statements commands to add Commons Creator page (P1472) property to Wikidata items
  • go to each individual file and click to open preloaded Quick_statements tool. Please verify additions to Wikidata.
  • Refresh the category, then fork this query. First login, choose "commonswiki_p" database and click "Submit Query" to get fresh results then cut the commands and paste into Quick_statements.

Pages in category "Creator templates with Wikidata link: item missing linkback"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.