Category:Context files from Gallica
English: This category holds scanned notes and attachments dedicated to other works (at the moment just for maps). With the btv-numbers that are always included in the description and filename, it is possible to match them to their corresponding obverse page. If much information can be found in these documents, they should be included in the description of the main work, similar to this example.
See also: Category:Reverse sides from Gallica
See also: Category:Reverse sides from Gallica
Media in category "Context files from Gallica"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 1,640 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
Mürs comitatus - per Joh. Mercatorem - btv1b530413072 (2 of 2).jpg 2,927 × 4,174; 2.23 MB
Afghanistan und seine Nachbarländer - btv1b530277215 (3 of 3) (title crop).jpg 3,278 × 2,406; 1.61 MB
Les Bords du Rhin - Mayence à Strasboug. Echelle 1 - 350.000 - btv1b105803621 (2 of 2).jpg 5,688 × 7,508; 6.34 MB
7° carte particulière des costes de Bretagne - N. F. - btv1b531536311 (2 of 3).jpg 1,936 × 2,570; 507 KB
7° carte particulière des costes de Bretagne - N. F. - btv1b531536311 (3 of 3).jpg 1,946 × 2,576; 419 KB
A chart exhibiting the track of H. M. S. Director - W. Bligh - btv1b531687357 (2 of 3).jpg 3,318 × 3,373; 1.14 MB
A chart exhibiting the track of H. M. S. Director - W. Bligh - btv1b531687357 (3 of 3).jpg 3,200 × 3,477; 1.09 MB
A chart of the banks of New Foundland - btv1b59704926 (2 of 2).jpg 1,824 × 2,520; 752 KB
A Chart of the Bar of Sandy Hook - Hills - btv1b530897996 (2 of 2).jpg 1,717 × 1,027; 174 KB
A chart of the Down...(North Foreland - South Foreland) - btv1b530104414 (2 of 2).jpg 1,661 × 1,882; 529 KB
A chart of the entrance into the Channel - btv1b530102349 (2 of 2).jpg 1,721 × 1,868; 566 KB
A Chart of the gulf of St Laurence - R. Sayer - btv1b53089612c (2 of 2).jpg 2,440 × 2,408; 1,017 KB
A Chart of the harbour of Boston - btv1b53089798r (2 of 2).jpg 1,865 × 2,854; 1,007 KB
A chart of the West coast of Newfoundland - btv1b59704993 (2 of 2).jpg 2,272 × 3,352; 1.29 MB
A draught of the rocks in lat. 33° 44'S. - btv1b53168804x (2 of 2).jpg 2,922 × 4,298; 1.76 MB
A map of the isle of Cuba - btv1b59707037 (2 of 2).jpg 6,504 × 4,518; 4.64 MB
A new and accurate chart of the mouth of the Thames... - btv1b530103371 (2 of 2).jpg 1,676 × 2,021; 614 KB
A new chart of the Leeward or Caribbee islands - btv1b59708841 (2 of 2).jpg 3,376 × 6,216; 1.93 MB
A new chart of the vast Atlantic Ocean avec notice - btv1b53168788n (2 of 3).jpg 2,226 × 2,768; 997 KB
A new chart of the vast Atlantic Ocean avec notice - btv1b53168788n (3 of 3).jpg 4,266 × 2,808; 1.68 MB
A New map of the island of Tobago... - by Tho.s Kitchin... - btv1b53121990k (2 of 2).jpg 7,530 × 5,584; 5.36 MB
A Newe mape of Germany - newly augmented by John Speed - btv1b10111216f (2 of 2).jpg 6,690 × 5,148; 5.69 MB
A Plan from Halifax to Canso - Lange - btv1b53089978p (2 of 2).jpg 1,808 × 1,545; 482 KB
A Plan from Halifax to Canso - Lange - btv1b530899794 (2 of 2).jpg 1,810 × 1,743; 561 KB
A Plan of Boston harbour - Lange - btv1b53089955h (2 of 2).jpg 1,865 × 2,841; 1.01 MB
A plan of Cape Fear River, from the Bar to Brunswick - btv1b53089807z (2 of 2).jpg 2,217 × 1,997; 868 KB
A Plan of Gedors Harbour - Lange - btv1b530899849 (2 of 2).jpg 1,826 × 1,496; 454 KB
A Plan of Halifax harbour - Lange - btv1b53089983v (2 of 2).jpg 1,608 × 1,465; 424 KB
A Plan of Ship Harbour - Lange - btv1b53089982d (2 of 2).jpg 1,711 × 1,291; 401 KB
A Plan of St John's River - Lange - btv1b53089981z (2 of 2).jpg 1,680 × 1,455; 435 KB
A sketch of Severa River in Hudson's Bay - btv1b530895605 (2 of 2).jpg 1,712 × 2,464; 772 KB
A Tiszavölgy viszabályozási átnézeti térképe... Valyi Béla ... - btv1b53198405s (2 of 2).jpg 3,328 × 5,141; 2.35 MB
A. Taride, Paris vers 1530 (Plan de Georges Braun), 1908 (verso) - Gallica.jpg 3,181 × 4,454; 2.79 MB
Abbatia Heresfeldensis vulgo t'Stifft Hirsfeldt - btv1b53040503p (2 of 2).jpg 7,871 × 6,000; 4.53 MB
Abbatia Heresfeldensis vulgo t'Stift Hirsfeldt - btv1b53040447r (2 of 2).jpg 6,077 × 4,635; 3.4 MB
Abissinorum sive pretiosi Joannis imperium - btv1b8595312k (2 of 2).jpg 7,634 × 5,471; 8.26 MB
Abruzzo citra et ultra - btv1b53042420g (2 of 2).jpg 5,981 × 4,443; 4.36 MB
Abruzzo citra et ultra - btv1b53042729n (2 of 2).jpg 6,049 × 4,264; 4.1 MB
Abruzzo citra et ultra - btv1b531777089 (2 of 2).jpg 5,958 × 4,646; 4.2 MB
Abruzzo Citra, et Ultra - btv1b53170419m (1 of 5).jpg 4,766 × 6,494; 4.66 MB
Abruzzo Citra, et Ultra - btv1b53170419m (3 of 5).jpg 4,621 × 6,466; 4.52 MB
Abruzzo Citra, et Ultra - btv1b53170419m (4 of 5).jpg 4,647 × 6,532; 4.55 MB
Abruzzo Citra, et Ultra - btv1b53170419m (5 of 5).jpg 4,647 × 6,532; 4.41 MB
Abruzzo et Terra di Lavoro - per Gerardum Mercatorem - btv1b53043201p (2 of 2).jpg 6,014 × 5,055; 4.98 MB
Abruzzo ulteriore - Natale Bonifatii da Sibenico - btv1b8493097s (2 of 2).jpg 3,728 × 5,917; 3.45 MB
Accuratissima Brasiliae Tabula - btv1b8491002p (2 of 2).jpg 7,940 × 6,154; 6.41 MB
Accuratissima Brasiliae Tabula - btv1b8491050r (2 of 2).jpg 9,102 × 7,186; 8.16 MB
Aegypte ancienne - btv1b5964079x (2 of 2).jpg 1,456 × 1,976; 521 KB
Aelst - btv1b53211582h (1 of 3).jpg 5,900 × 8,465; 6.86 MB
Aethiopia inferior, vel exterior - btv1b531968386 (1 of 3).jpg 4,710 × 6,413; 4.57 MB
Aethiopia inferior, vel exterior - btv1b531968386 (3 of 3).jpg 4,751 × 6,411; 4.22 MB
Afghanistan und seine Nachbarländer - btv1b530277215 (2 of 3).jpg 3,763 × 3,110; 2.29 MB
Africa olim Aphrodisium - btv1b85953612 (2 of 2).jpg 3,036 × 2,712; 1.69 MB
Africae nova descriptio - Auct. Guilielmo Blaeuw - btv1b8468536j (2 of 2).jpg 7,882 × 6,060; 6.9 MB
Africae nova descriptio - Auct. Guilielmo Blaeuw - btv1b8468537z (2 of 2).jpg 7,606 × 6,540; 7.5 MB
Africae nova descripto - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196877d (1 of 5).jpg 4,544 × 6,442; 4.68 MB
Africae nova descripto - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196877d (3 of 5).jpg 4,557 × 6,452; 4.67 MB
Africae nova descripto - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196877d (4 of 5).jpg 4,464 × 6,396; 4.26 MB
Africae nova descripto - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196877d (5 of 5).jpg 4,392 × 6,384; 3.72 MB
Africae nova tabula - Auct. Hen. Hondio - btv1b8468765z (2 of 2).jpg 7,632 × 5,016; 5.15 MB
Africae tabula nova (ab Ortelio) - btv1b84689395 (2 of 2).jpg 3,336 × 5,064; 2.6 MB
Afrique du Nord - btv1b531215311 (2 of 2).jpg 2,865 × 2,480; 855 KB
Agri Zypani nova descript. - btv1b530421998 (2 of 2).jpg 5,885 × 4,553; 3.84 MB
Aisahoudy - btv1b59056787 (2 of 2).jpg 10,456 × 7,256; 8.27 MB
Alexandria - btv1b531789537 (2 of 2).jpg 6,528 × 4,928; 4.64 MB
Alexandria - btv1b53196885x (1 of 3).jpg 4,496 × 6,441; 4.51 MB
Alexandria - btv1b53196885x (3 of 3).jpg 4,516 × 6,423; 4.42 MB
Algeri - btv1b8595404c (2 of 2).jpg 2,295 × 3,624; 1.74 MB
Alhama - btv1b53178889s (2 of 2).jpg 6,518 × 4,950; 3.46 MB
Alhama - Depingebat Georgius Hoefnagle a(nn)o 1564 - btv1b531945440 (1 of 3).jpg 4,363 × 6,320; 4.04 MB
Allemagne - btv1b53121316p (2 of 2).jpg 2,506 × 2,293; 836 KB
Allemagne - btv1b8446543h (2 of 2).jpg 5,868 × 5,436; 4.09 MB
Alsatia inferior - per Gerardum Mercatorem - btv1b85926311 (2 of 2).jpg 7,536 × 5,936; 7.77 MB
Alsatia inferior - Per Gerardum Mercatorem. - btv1b8494605x (2 of 2).jpg 8,000 × 5,914; 7.03 MB
Alsatia Superior - btv1b10111192k (2 of 2).jpg 3,972 × 3,115; 1.89 MB
Alsatia superior cu Suntgoia (et) Brisgoia - btv1b10111217w (2 of 2).jpg 6,981 × 5,410; 5.36 MB
America - btv1b8595842f (2 of 2).jpg 6,334 × 1,320; 1.43 MB
America - Jodocus Hondius, excudit - btv1b8468716g (2 of 2).jpg 8,218 × 6,180; 5.21 MB
America - Jodocus Hondius, excudit - btv1b84689254 (2 of 2).jpg 8,902 × 7,188; 6.41 MB
America meridionalis - (ab I. Hondio, ) - btv1b84412769 (2 of 2).jpg 8,927 × 6,686; 8.75 MB
America meridionalis - (ab I. Hondio, ) - btv1b8469073d (2 of 2).jpg 8,098 × 5,648; 6.09 MB
America meridionalis - (ab I. Hondio, ) - btv1b8469074t (2 of 2).jpg 8,038 × 5,900; 6.51 MB
America meridionalis - (ab I. Hondio, ) - btv1b84690757 (2 of 2).jpg 8,242 × 5,840; 6.95 MB
America meridionalis - (Mercator) - btv1b8596385s (2 of 2).jpg 7,755 × 5,705; 7.39 MB
Americae nova tabula - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196846q (1 of 5).jpg 4,676 × 6,411; 4.52 MB
Americae nova tabula - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196846q (3 of 5).jpg 4,640 × 6,411; 4.48 MB
Americae nova tabula - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196846q (4 of 5).jpg 4,640 × 6,411; 4.36 MB
Americae nova tabula - Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b53196846q (5 of 5).jpg 4,640 × 6,363; 4.09 MB
Americae nova tabula - auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw - btv1b85958448 (2 of 2).jpg 8,656 × 6,316; 8.64 MB
Americae pars meridionalis - btv1b53032687j (2 of 2).jpg 7,078 × 5,979; 4.91 MB
Amorfortia - btv1b53225511v (1 of 3).jpg 4,332 × 6,314; 4.09 MB
Amorgo - Marco Boschini - btv1b530114401 (2 of 2).jpg 1,792 × 2,505; 555 KB
Amstelredamum, nobile Inferioris Germaniae oppidum... - btv1b53178866m (2 of 2).jpg 6,492 × 4,892; 3.44 MB
Amsterdam in 1882 - btv1b84389897 (2 of 2).jpg 8,651 × 6,601; 7.07 MB
Amérique du Nord - btv1b53121266c (2 of 2).jpg 11,190 × 7,786; 17.7 MB