Category:Constantinople ... Illustrated by Edward L. Weeks (1895)
Media in category "Constantinople ... Illustrated by Edward L. Weeks (1895)"
The following 28 files are in this category, out of 28 total.
Crawford, F. Marion, p14 The Golden Horn (Sunset).jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 955 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p19 Entrance to Seraskierat Mosque.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 527 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p23 An Armenian.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 367 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p25 Galata Bridge from the Café.jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 1.04 MB
Crawford, F. Marion, p27 Galata Bridge.jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 1.24 MB
Crawford, F. Marion, p30 A Fruit Seller.jpg 1,080 × 1,917; 846 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p32 A Street Water-carrier.jpg 1,060 × 1,931; 571 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p35 A Water-Carrier.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 361 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p43 Boat-houses on the Golden Horn.jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 894 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p45 Sweet Waters of Asia. (Bosphore).jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 962 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p47 Sweet Waters of Europe.jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 1.47 MB
Crawford, F. Marion, p51 On a Steamer (Golden Horn).jpg 1,080 × 1,499; 421 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p53 A Glimpse of St. Sophia.jpg 1,000 × 1,439; 216 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p56 View from Eyub looking over the Golden Horn.jpg 1,080 × 1,428; 500 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p60 Street Fountain at Stamboul.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 340 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p62 Ice-cream Seller.jpg 1,080 × 2,099; 873 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p65 Street scene in Stamboul Café frequented by Greeks.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 559 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p71 Court of the Mosque of Sultan Báyezid.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 448 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p75 Tomb of one of the Sultans in the court of St. Sophia.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 452 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p78 The Cemetery.jpg 1,079 × 1,921; 627 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p79 Old Towers outside the Walls of Stamboul.jpg 1,000 × 1,439; 166 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p8 CONSTANTINOPLE.jpg 1,574 × 2,265; 456 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p81 Armenian Beggar.jpg 1,080 × 1,483; 677 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p87 The landing place and Café at Scutari.jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 870 KB
Crawford, F. Marion, p90 The Sultan's Kiosk — “Sweet Waters of Europe.”.jpg 2,265 × 1,574; 806 KB