Category:Château de Tarascon - Fontaine de Fortune

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La Fontaine de Fortune du livre: Le Cœur d’Amour épris. (René d'Anjou - 1457)

Cœur découvre l'inscription. trop tard ...

After suffering a terrible storm that left them numb, Heart and Desire are asleep. The next day at sunrise, while Desire is still deeply sleeping , his companion deciphers the inscription on the stone is the fountain of Fortune.

Desire, here, below this stoop of marble black as coal seep out the Fountain of Fortune.
Who drinks to the Fountain will suffer great pain.

Because, drinking the water and spread a drop on the porch enough to trigger the storm ...

Voir le fac simile (folio 15) à la BNF

Media in category "Château de Tarascon - Fontaine de Fortune"

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