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Category:Cathedral of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Ouagadougou

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Object location12° 21′ 43.1″ N, 1° 31′ 37.2″ W Edit this at Wikidata Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo
<nowiki>cattedrale di Ouagadougou; cathédrale de l'Immaculée-Conception de Ouagadougou; Katedrala u Ouagadougou; Собор Непорочного зачатия Пресвятой Девы Марии (Уагадугу); Ouagadougou Cathedral; Kathedrale von Ouagadougou; Catedral da Imaculada Conceição de Uagadugu; Ouagadougou Cathedral; Ouagadougou Cathedral; Καθεδρικός της Ουαγκαντούγκου; Ouagadougou Cathedral; كاتدرائيه واجادوجو; Ouagadougou Cathedral; Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción de Uagadugú; Ouagadougou Cathedral; Katedral Ouagadougou; Ouagadougou Cathedral; Ouagadougou Cathedral; Ouagadougoun katedraali; Ouagadougou Cathedral; Katedralo de la Senmakula Koncipiteco de Vagaduguo; Катедрала во Уагадугу; Katedrala Ouagadougou; cathédrale au Burkina Faso; gereja di Burkina Faso; Catholic cathedral in Burkina Faso; romkatolika katedralo en Vagaduguo, Burkino; katholische Kathedrale in Burkina Faso; kathedraal in Burkina Faso; Catedral de Uagadugú; Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepcion de Uagadugu; Catedral de Uagadugu; Katedralo de Vagaduguo; Cathédrale de Ouagadougou; Cathédrale de l'Immaculée Conception de Ouagadougou</nowiki>
Ouagadougou Cathedral 
Catholic cathedral in Burkina Faso
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Instance of
Dedicated to
Patron saint
LocationOuagadougou, Ouagadougou Department, Kadiogo Province, Centre, Burkina Faso
Architectural style
  • 1936
Religion or worldview
Map12° 21′ 43.12″ N, 1° 31′ 37.16″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q1736205
OpenStreetMap way ID: 30917161
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Français : La cathédrale de l'Immaculée-Conception à Ouagadougou, capitale du Burkina Faso, est la cathédrale de l'Archidiocèse de Ouagadougou.
Deutsch: Die Kathedrale der Unbefleckten Empfängnis ist die Hauptkirche der katholischen Erzdiözese von Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
English: The Cathedral of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ouagadougou in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Media in category "Cathedral of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Ouagadougou"

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