Category:Canker on Acer negundo in Ruhland

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Baumkrebs an Eschen-Ahorn (Acer negundo) in Ruhland

Deutsch: Diese Kategorie erfasst Baumkrebs an Eschen-Ahorn (Acer negundo), auch Eschenblättriger Ahorn genannt, in Ruhland mit Ortsteil Arnsdorf.
Hervorgerufen werden die Wucherungen am Stamm, auch Ahorn-Stammkrebs, durch den Pilz Eutypella parasitica.
English: This category contains canker on Acer negundo occasionally known as elf maple, box elder, boxelder maple, ash-leaved maple, maple ash in the USA, in the United Kingdom and Ireland it is also known as ashleaf maple, in Canada commonly known as Manitoba maple, in Ruhland with urban district Arnsdorf.
It is presumably caused by Eutypella parasitica, a fungus, which causes cankers on several Acer species.